Now, Get Affordable Life Insurance Without the Hassle and Expense of Medical Examinations We all know how important it is to cover ourselves and protect our family with great life insurance. But filling out long medical questionnaires and getting the medical exams required is a time-consuming, costly hassle. At, we offer you Term Life Insurance - without the medical examination and without the endless paperwork! We are one of the first companies in America licensed to sell you NO MEDICAL EXAM LIFE INSURANCE! And it doesn't matter where in the country you live, we can quote your life insurance for FREE within a matter of minutes. Get Covered Today Make sure your loved ones are protected. None of us wants our family to struggle after we're gone . That's why we at are pleased to be able to offer you affordable life insurance without a medical examination. Don't delay. No matter where in the country you live, here at ...
meltdown in the news room
I just love it when things go wrong on live television, becasue you get great youTube videos out of it: ...
Customer Service Issues at Sears
About a week ago I ordered two Christmas presents, one for Jason and one for my mom, at The first item arrived today which was Jason's present. When I opened the bag (yes...bag), I discovered that they sent me the wrong item. It's the right brand of item, but the wrong type. So, I go online and checked my order to make sure that the mistake was on my end, which I wasn't. I then proceeded to try to talk to someone on the live help chat box thing. I told (well typed actually, but you get the idea) the person that I was sent the wrong item, he/she told me that the item was already shipped. Well, no shit Sherlock! He/she then asked me what I expected them to do. I asked who to send it back to so I could get the correct item I ordered. He/she responded that since it was shipped I could not get a refund and that I would have to either refuse the item at the time of delivery or send it back after I received it. Needless to say, I click off the chat and launched into a verbal ...
did you hear the one about a doctor giving breast exams at a bar…
If I hadn't read it myself, I would have thought that this was a joke. This is just one of those stories that you wish was too weird to be true.It's a MAN, baby!Apparently, some woman was approaching other women at bars and talking them into letting her give them a breast exam. She would then go on to make 'appointments' for various surgeries. She even gave the women a real number for a plastic surgeon who worked in the area...which is what lead to her being caught.Now, why in the world would you get a breast exam in a bar? I don't know about anybody else, but I get my exams done at my obstetrician's office...and maybe once or twice with my regular doctor. But a bar? Come on! That's just plain stupidity on their part. And here's the real kicker of the story: it turns out that she was actually a he who had a sex change...which, in my book still counts as a dude even though he's had his bits hacked off. So, does that make him/her a lesbian or just a creep? You decide.Read original ...
computer woes
My hard drive decided to crash yesterday, and I almost lost all of my stuff...including all of Hannah's pictures. Luckily I was able to get everything pulled off. I'm still trying to get everything re-installed on the new one and then attempt to fix the old one if possible. ...
teething nightmare!!
Hannah's first year molars are coming in and she's in a lot of pain. I've tried giving her the Baby Orajel, freezing her teething ring, and even giving her cold liquids...but nothing is working. She's being crying almost constantly the last three days. Help!! ...