The past week or so has been super crappy! Jason found out a few days ago that he has to work all day on Christmas. The freaking store isn't even open! What the hell is wrong will Wal-Mart! So now we are going to have to get up super early, at 5 a.m., to be able to open presents before he has to go in. He tried to get it so he could come in late but they won't let him. So...Hannah's fist Christmas is ruined for the most part.Christmas Eve is all screwed up too. Jason is working that day as well, so we want to have his side of the family over at our house to make it easier. Plus, I'm going to make a dinner for everyone. Jason's mom, however, isn't pleased about it since it's always at her house...but at this point I don't care. It's easier for us, especially since we have Hannah, and I don't really feel like being trapped over there for hours on end waiting for her to get her crap together so everyone can open presents. Last year, we wait almost three hours before everything ...
Product Review – Applied Labels
Applied Labels are nifty little name labels that will litteraly go on anything. You can get any name printed on them, along with the option of an icon. To place one on clothing, use one of the clothing backers. To use on in a shoe, there are shoe sheilds that cover the entire lable to help protect it. Since Hannah doesn't wear shoes yet and I didn't want to place a lable on her clothes since she's growing out of them so fast, I put one on the next best thing: her sippy cup. That cup has been through hell and back over the last two weeks. It's soaked in the sink, bounced around in the diaper bag, was thrown around the living room....and the label still looks like new. Hannah's even been trying to chew it off the past several days, and there's not a scratch on it. These labels are great, and I look forward to being able to use them once Hannah starts school in a few years. They are a little pricy, but it's money well spent. For more info or to make a purchase, check out their ...
Product Review – So Easy Toddler Food Cookbook
So Easy Toddler Food Cookbook is made by Fresh Baby, a company who helps promoet healthy eating. The cookbook has 35 recipies with all the nutrition information and serving sizes. There is also a section of tips concerning food time. Almost all of the recipies look really good, thought there are a few that I personaly wouldn't try. The recipie I liked the best was the black bean soup. It's very easy and inexpensive to make. It's also quick to make, considering that you have to use a food processer to puree the soup. The recipe made enought for all of us to eat on for about two days with some left overs. Hannah loved it so much, that I made another batch just to freeze so she could have it frequently. The only problem that I noticed was that the directions left out one of the ingredients; the green chilies. I just went ahead and tossed them in with what was being processed. Overall, I'm very pleased with this book and plan on making several of the other recipes in it. The ...
Hannah and the candy cane
Hannah got her first taste of a candy cane the other day while we were all out shopping at Wal-Mart (blegh...we can never escape that place). One of the 'product tester/sampler' ladies was handing them out and gave one to her. Hannah imediatly stuck it in her mouth and starting gnawing on it.I figured she wouldn't be able to get the plastic off of it, but I was wrong. She got enought off of the end that it was getting wet, and leaving trails of blue and red all over her face. Jason decided to take a little of the wrapping off so she 'could get a taste'. Hannah loved it and was enjoying it untill she started trying to chew it. I took it away from her at that point so she didn't choke on it and she threw a big fit. It took a while to get all the coloring off her face, and even then it stained around her mouth. So, she spent the rest of the shopping trip looking like a pint-sized Joker. ...
The Great Sears Debackel…continued
Today I was finally able to get to Sears to try to get my online order straightened out after sent me the wrong thing. Last Saturday, I attempted to go to the 'hometown' store in Rockwall, only to find out it's just a parts store and I would have to take it to Town East in Mesquite. I hate going to Town East Mall during the holidays. So, after dropping Hannah off at my parents much to the utter delight of my mom, we headed off to Mesquite. Since it was a Sunday morning, there was hardly anyone there and most of the stores weren't even open. I went up to a register and told the cashier what the issue was with the item. She looks at me and I could literally see her brain exploding while trying to computer what I just told her. Eventually she handed me off to some other girl, who said this: "We ain't got no wallets up here. You gotta go downstairs and look for it." At this point I was already getting mad, but tried to keep it cool. Jason and I went downstairs, ...
[looks down at previous posts from today] I seem to be getting bombarded with paid adverts today. I actually had to Google labradoodle to even know what it looked like. ...