This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of GoodNites for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. Potty training sounds easy, but it can be a bit tricky for some. I ended up having to have gummy bears & stickers on hand to get my daughter to stay on the potty long enough to go. Even then, she found it more amusing to go streaking through the house yelling “I’m naked!” (when she says it, it comes out ‘naken’) at the top of her lungs & waving her shorts around. But, at long last she got it. She has no problem using the bathroom at home or other people’s houses; she’s just deathly afraid of public restrooms…not that I can blame her. I thought that once she was trained that I was done with the hard part. Not true. The hard part is getting through bedwetting. Bedwetting happens sometimes and I have a hard time explaining to my daughter that it’s okay when it does. For her, it only happens when she’s very tired after a busy day or has had to take some sinus ...
Interview with Sandra Brannan
Last month, I had the opportunity to ask one of my favorite authors, Sandra Brannan (pictured above), some questions in relation to her upcoming book Noah's Rainy Day. I've never done an author interview before. I had absolutely no idea what to ask her, which is silly since my best friend is a published author and I constantly pick her brain about her books. After a few days of thinking, I finally had a list of questions. I wasn't sure if she would answer the more spoilerish questions about the book I came up with, but I figured that I would ask anyway. But, my worries were unwarranted. She answered everything & gave lots of insight to the publishing world, her inspiration, & even a bit of background about herself. She even visited the site! "Your website is awesome! Where were you when I was a first time mom??" So, without further ado, here is the interview: 1. What inspired you to first start writing? I don’t know if you could call it inspired or desperate ...
Guest Article – Last Minute 4th of July Sales
This week we celebrate the independence of our beautiful country! As we’re heading into the holiday we’re here to make sure you have everything you need – grills, outdoor essentials, that American Flag t-shirt, you name it. Take a look at some of the hottest sales this week on Find&Save.Swimwear: Cool off in style! Find savings on swimwear for the whole family now at Macy’s. What’s your go-to swimsuit style? Grills: You can’t host a proper BBQ without the right equipment. Save now at Sears on gas and charcoal grills. While you’re shopping, take advantage of the sale prices and pick up proper grilling utensils. If you’re channeling your inner “pitmaster,” stop by Walmart and pick up a smoker and wood chips. Definite crowd pleasers! Groceries: Piggy-backing on the grill purchase, you’re going to need to purchase some grocery items. Smart & Final, Target and Meijer have pork ribs, hot dogs, buns and more on sale. You can also score deals on your favorite refreshments for ...
Guest Article – How to Maintain Emotional Wellness as a Single Parent
It’s hard enough for married couples to maintain emotional wellness and have children. You can imagine how much more difficult it must be for a single parent. As a single parent, you have to make many important decisions on your own, as well as nurture children to make sure they have the best childhood possible and develop into well-rounded human beings. As a parent, it’s easy to forget that taking care of yourself and your own emotional health is a vital element to caring for your children and maintaining your life. Manage Daily Worries When you start to worry, it’s important to take a look at your physical health as well as emotional. If you’re not getting enough exercise or eating well, it’s easier to carry anxieties that are not good for you. If you find it hard to find time to exercise, the best answer is to pursue fun activities with your children. Take a ball to the park and kick it around, go for a walk around a local body of water, take a dip in the local pool. The ...
Guest Article – Getting the Little Ones Ready for Summer
The weather is warming up, the sun isn’t hidden behind a constant cloud cover and your kids are shedding their sweaters the way reptiles shed skin. Summer is most definitely on its way. Are you ready for days spent outdoors and poolside? Here are a few tips and tricks to help you make sure you’re ready to take on summer parenting. Last Year’s Clothing Get out last year’s summer gear and see if any of the younger kids have grown into older kids’ castoffs. This way you won’t have to spend a ton of money on tank tops, shorts, etc. NOTE: If you’ve kept these clothes stored in a dark or closed space, take extra precautions to make sure they are truly clean and in good enough shape to touch little ones’ skin. Use a coupon code to get a detection light that you can use to shine on the clothing to make sure that it hasn’t been befouled in any way while in storage (and that a few cycles in the washer have honestly gotten rid of said befoulment). This Year’s ...
Guest Article – Preparing for a Baby While They’re Still in the Womb
When you’re pregnant there’s so much to do, but you probably feel like there’s hardly enough time to do it all. Where should a parent start in regard to gathering baby essentials, bath supplies, changing supplies, and decorations for the nursery? The good news is that you have nine months to complete all of these tasks, even though at times they may seem daunting. The best advice is to get a baby journal and track what you’d like to plan to buy and organize week by week; that way, by the time the baby arrives you’ll have all the supplies you need and the nursery will be all put together and beautiful. Don’t stress if you can’t get everything done by the time you give birth. You can always ask family members to chip in and that’s what a baby shower is for! Enjoy being pregnant but stay organized — everything will fall into place. Baby’s Bath Supplies A baby’s bath supplies are an important part of a baby’s daily bath routine, from purchasing baby shampoo to using soft towels or ...