When you’re pregnant there’s so much to do, but you probably feel like there’s hardly enough time to do it all. Where should a parent start in regard to gathering baby essentials, bath supplies, changing supplies, and decorations for the nursery? The good news is that you have nine months to complete all of these tasks, even though at times they may seem daunting. The best advice is to get a baby journal and track what you’d like to plan to buy and organize week by week; that way, by the time the baby arrives you’ll have all the supplies you need and the nursery will be all put together and beautiful. Don’t stress if you can’t get everything done by the time you give birth. You can always ask family members to chip in and that’s what a baby shower is for! Enjoy being pregnant but stay organized — everything will fall into place.
A baby’s bath supplies are an important part of a baby’s daily bath routine, from purchasing baby shampoo to using soft towels or hooded baby towels after bath time is over. Make sure you have a baby hairbrush, soap, a special baby bathtub and washcloths that are a different color than your bath towels. That way you will be able to tell them apart when it’s time to do your wash.
A nursery should be the most fun to plan for, especially if you know the sex of the baby before he or she is born. You’ll get to paint the walls or put wallpaper on them, add a beautiful crib with baby bedding and also purchase soft animals for the baby to be near. You’ll also be able to implement a changing station, pictures, books, toys, and many other fun nursery accessories. Let your imagination be your guide and the nursery will come to life, thanks to your originality and style.
Even if you’re not going to breastfeed your baby, it’s still a good idea to have nipples and bottles on hand for pumping. This will allow you to have a break and your spouse to feed the baby if he wishes. Plan on purchasing several bottles and nipples, bottle brushes, sterilizers, and warmers, and bibs and cloths for when the baby eats. Don’t forget that you will also need a high chair, pacifiers, formula, and liners.
Remember that not everything will go as planned, and the best you can do is just go with the flow. With all of the gifts you will be receiving during baby showers most of these supplies will be given to you already. Of course it will be nice to pick out some of your favorite necessities and baby accessories (not to mention the clothes!) but be sure to enjoy being pregnant and soon enough your little one will arrive.
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