Hannah has been getting more and more mobile the last few weeks. Right now, she's able to walk short distances and has been able to go a lot faster in her walker/car/thing. Yet, she's still not satisfied...so now she's trying to run. Watching her try to run is so cute. It look like a bit of a crab walk, followed by flopping onto the floor. She does this repeatedly for a while before she gets fed up and starts crying. All I can tell her is that she'll get there eventually.She's also cutting in her first molars, so she's been very cranky a past few days. ...
Technorati claim token
Just ignore this post. It's for Technorati. QTRQBGBSA3XS ...
planning new giveaway
I have an extra KidSwitch sitting here that I received to use for a giveaway. I had somewhat of a success with my last one during Christmas. I want this one to be a lot better this time around. However, I need some help with it. I'm still not too sure how to go about it. Leaving a comment works, but I don't think people are too crazy about leaving their email. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?I'm testing stuff below here, so you can just ignore it.EDIT -- Looks like right now I'll be using a fill in form. It will post all entries in the order I receive them. Then I'll just use a randomizer to pick a winner. I'll have more info a little later. ...
What’s On My Reading List — #1
I'm going to start a running list of what I'm reading and what I've pre-ordered. As this develops, I'll have more to type, but for now...here is the list:Reading Right Now --Hellyboy: The Ice Wolves by Mark ChadbournThe Loch by Steve AltenCrescent Dawn by Clive CusslerNote: I stopped reading half way through because it's boring. It's definetly not his best. I do plan to finish it after Hellboy.Pre-Ordered --Ghost Story by Jim ButcherStar Wars - Fate of the Jedi: Conviction by Aaron AllstonWish List --Spider Bones by Kathy Reichs ...
crazy few days
The last few days have been crazy. Jason actually got a few of his days off, so we spent much of them running around getting stuff done. Hannah finally figured out how to walk around in her walkie car/ship thing as has been tearing around the kitchen yelling 'zoom, zoom, zoom'. She taken a liking to taking stuff out of the dishwasher imediatly after I put it in the rack.Late last night, the intake pipe to our water heater broke and we came close to having the kitchen and dinning room flooded out. Apparently the pipe has been leaking for quite some time, causing some of the flooring to sink...a lot. It also created a bit of a hole. All the water ended up running under the house. The pipes were fixed this moring, but at some point we are going to have to replace the heater and fix the floor. We'd do it this weekend, but something else has come up, or in this case come down.The rain gutter on the back of the house has finialy decided to fall off, taking what's left of the wood ...
New Texas Giant opening/reopening April 22
I haven't been to Six Flags for a few years, but now I may go just to check out the revamp on the Texas Giant. The roller coater has been closed since summer of 2009 for 'undislosed reasons'. I'm assuming that they were having to rebuild it due to the wood getting old. From looking at the new pictures coming out of the park, the structure seems to be entirely metal that's been made to look like wood...sorta like The Grizzly over at Kings Dominion. Here's the first POV from one of the test runs:I've ridden that thing I don't know how many times over the years, but DAMN....they made the drop a little bigger! Other than the changes to the drop, it looks like some of the track layout is different. I also noticed that it's no where near as shakey as it used to be; another sign that they switched to metal. Depending on how the summer goes, maybe I will get a chance to check it out. ...