I just happened accross this on YouTube. It's some guy doing a sword, or is it lightsabers??, routine in his backyard while blaring The Black Eyed Peas. I almost feel bad for the guy. ...
Blogger down…
Blogger was down all day yesterday, making it impossible for anyone to post to their blogs. It seem that they got the problem fixed, however, all the problems with the new interface/redesign are still there. Thankfully I can still get into the old interface to post.Anyway, I've got a few reviews I'm going to try to get out this weekend. ...
trying out Google AdWords
I got a gift card for Google AdWords in the mail today, and I figured I might as well give it a try. Not too many places will give you $100 free to use their site. I'm going to try three different ad campains to see what type of ad works better and for how much you need to offer for them...all while staying within the $100 for the month. Then I'm going to write an article for Technorati about the results. But, in order to pull this off, I'm going to need your help.The first of the ads is running right now: a simple text add promoting this month's giveaway. What I need for you, my readers, to do is to let me know where you see them at. What is the name of the site? What kind of site is it? Also, what did you think about the ad itself? What made you click it? You can simply leave a comment or send me an email. Any and all comments will help, and it will only take a minute of your time. ...
Transformer explosions in Fort Worth
During the storms that rolled through last night, a lightning strike caused power transformers to go up in a chain reaction. The even was cought on film by Brian Luenser, who was standing on his balcony taking pictures. The light show lasted about 30 minutes, and, surprisingly, only 5,000 people lost power. ...
Whimsical Wednesday Blog Hop hosted by Random Deals
It's blog hop day! I love participating in blog hops since it's a great way to discover new blogs. You can add your blog below or take a look at some of the other blogs in the list. If you want to add the list code to your blog, you can get it a the Random Deals blog.Also, if you follow me via Google Friends Connect, I'll follow back. ...
Suddenlink update
After waiting for nearly two hours the other night, we were finally able to reach someone at customer service. However, it was through the chat box on their website. The service rep tried whole bunch of stuff, and reset the box remotely about 4 times, but nothing worked. The BBC channel was still messed up. They scheduled a service call for someone to come out, which was for today. The tech was supposed to be out this morning between 8 and 12. It's almost 12 now, and I'm still waiting.The annoying part is that the channel all of a sudden started coming in again at about 9:15 this morning, which is great, but it randomly blacks out. And the audio on all the channels keeps cutting out. I already checked all the audio cables and their fine. Something is up with the box.I was really surprised to see that someone from Suddenlink replied to the first post, offering to get any issues taken care of if we are still having problems. If no one shows up today and the audio/video issues ...