Last night was nerve wracking to say the least. I knew it was going to be bad after watching leading edge of the storm come in. There was already some rotation and a lot lightning. The clouds themselves looked almost like bubble wrap. I which now I had taken a picture because it's kind of hard to discribe.The first of the warnings came down at about 8:40 for Dallas. The storm was still about an hour away from us, but the sirens starting going off about 20 minutes later. Thankfully, Jason was safely home by then. We grabed blankes, pillows, a flashlight, and the weather raido, then headed into the hallway with Hannah in tow. We had several periods of heavy rain and rain, with some small hail tossed in. Surrounding areas got hail as big as grapefruits, which you definetly don't want to get hit with. The Rangers game got delayed twice. I watched on the news as they hearded fans into the dugouts as tornado sirens went off there as well.Our tornado sires went off constantly until ...
Tornado on the ground in Dallas
My electricity is trying to go out, so I'll make this quick. There is a tornado on the ground in Dallas, near Highland Park. It's heading east and the storm cell will reach Terrell, where I live, sometime around 10. I'll be updating my Twitter feed until I loose power. If you live in Dallas or east of Dallas, take cover now. Hopefully I'll be able to post later.EDIT 1: There was a tornado just outside of town, but I don't think it did much. The worst of the storm has now moved into Kaufman, where there is another developing tornado. There is another line of storms heading our way, but shouldn't be as severe. ...
And Thus the Backpedaling Begins
We've all been fooled! The Rapture did happen on Saturday. It was just...spirtual, as opposed to it phyisically happening. But never fear, the world will still end on October 21. Or so says Harold Camping, who is running damage control after his Doomsday profecy failed to materalize this past Saturday. Although, I wouldn't call so much as call it damage control as all he is doing is backpeadaling and making excuses. But, at least I get to use my picture again. And 'Oh hey', I'll get to use my Bruce pic again in October! Here is some of the news coverage he is getting now:>I ask this question again: Why is this guy not locked up somewhere? He either needs to be in a mental hospital or in jail for defrauding people out of their money. ...
Tornadoes Possible in Texas and Oklahoma Tomorrow
Another large wave of storms are on their way, and the Weather Service predicts another day of massive tornado outbreaks. Almost all of North Central Texas will be included...which means my neck of the woods. We have have been extremely lucky so far this season, being that we have had a few narrow misses. Hopefully there won't be any tornadoes, but it never hurts to be prepared.I advise anyone who lives in my area to make sure that you have weather radios handy, because most of the time they are the only warning you get. Also make sure you have a clear spot to hunker down in, preferably a closet, hallway, or bathtub that is away from windows and outside walls. Use whatever you can find to cover yourself. Blanks and pillows are good, but a mattress is best.If you are driving or caught outside, do not seek shelter under an overpass. The winds will get funneled through, making them even stronger. Trust me, I know from experience. There is nothing more frightening then having you ...
Memory Mondays 5/23
Today, I'm taking part of the Momory Mondays Blog Hop. This week it's hosted by Modern Mom Redifined and Karen's Healthy Lifestlye. Basicly, you write a blog post about a special memory. Well, here goes:This past Christmas was Hannah's first. We had our first round of presents on Christmas Eve with my in-laws. The second round was super early Christmas morning since Jason actully had to be in at work by 8 a.m. Stupid Wal-Mart. Our third and final round, which was when this picture was taken, was with my parents.Hannah had been eager to open presents until she discovered the teething biscuts. After that, she wasn't interested in anything else. I attemped to make a trade with her, and this was the look it got in return. We got the biscut aways from her, but once she started crying we gave it back.If your interested in joining the hop, visit the hop page. ...
Noodling Passed in Texas
Yes, this 'super important' law has passed so that we Texans can now noodle for catfish. If your not familar with the term, noodling means fishing with your bare hands. You swim down to a catfish hole, stick your hand in, and wait for the fish to bite you. Once it's lached on to your hand, you pull it out and take it home. Still confused? Here's a video:Chuck Norris uses this meathod to catch sharks. The new noodle law states that you have to have a fishing lisence with a freshwater tag. I don't really see the big draw to it. I tried it once in Oklahoma and it isn't easy. All I got for my troubles was cut up fingers, which made paddling a kayak very annoying. Plus, flathead catfish are very aggresive. Doesn't our state lawmakers have more import legislation to be working on? Like state budget issues or keeping the State Parks open? I'd rather see them tackle our issues with the border than play around with fishing. ...