Several weeks ago, I ordered something as a Father's Day present for Jason from I was very excited about it since it was a great deal and I knew he would love it. The item was supposed to arrive via UPS within a few days. That was on the 9th. The order was processed the next day. The next, and final, time my package was scanned was on the 14th in NY. After several days of waiting, I checked the tracking number. For a while, there was no delivery date. Then, after a few days, it said that it would be delivered by end of day on the 17th. It never showed.The following day, I emailed UPS to find out what was going on. After waiting nearly all day, they responded that the package had not been scanned for days (which I already knew) and was mostly likely lost. I would have to contact the shipper, OpenSky, to have them open an investigation. So I emailed OpenSky and heard back from them early Monday. The customer service rep said that she had just gotten off the phone with UPS ...
Yahoo! Mail errors
Well...apparently Yahoo has yet to fix the LaunchTAE14 error. So now I'm unable to get into my email, which leaves me stuck because I've been waiting for an email from OpenSky regarding my order that UPS seems to have lost. Lovely. ...
Adding Fiber to Your Diet with Kellogg’s FiberPlus Cereal
As a stay at home mom, I'm constantly busy. I spend a better part of my day chasing a toddler around the house, and can never seem to get caught up on laundry and other housework. One of the major things that has gotten away from me is my diet. I ate very well during my pregnancy, but it completely fell apart after I had my daughter. For quite a while I was almost always skipping breakfast, eating junk food with lunch, and then eating way too much at dinner. Now that my daughter is starting to get a little older, I've been determined to set a better eating example for I'm working on going back to my pregnancy diet. A good balanced diet consists of many things. You need to be taking in good amounts of calcium, protein, iron, and fiber. I've been working on limiting my portions and counting the amount of carbs that I'm taking in. I have done okay so far, but I haven't been getting anywhere near enough fiber. Fiber is important in your diet since it can help lower the risk ... Dallas Deals – $25 for Mani/Pedi, 60-Minute Massage & Facial, PLUS $75 Spa Credit
This week, WeeklyPlus is offering a great deal for Uniquely U Salon & Spa. For $25, you got either a manicure & pedicure, a 60 minute massage & facial, and a $75 spa credit. That is a savings of $175! For more information or to take advantage of this special offer, visit the WeeklyPlus website. ...
more blah….
I am seriously behind on everything again. I've been working on two things: a product review/article and a Harry Potter art collab on deviantArt. Both have been taking up most of my free time and I haven't felt much like doing anything else. Plus it's been super hot the last few days. It's been reaching at least 105. So...meh. Jason is off today, so maybe that will motivate me a bit. ...
Fun with Boxes
A while back, we ordered a new cooking set to replace our worn out non-stick pots and pans. I was thrilled to have new pans...and Hannah was ecstatic over being able to crawl in and out of the shipping box. There are all sorts of things your kids can do with boxes: More Indoor Fun ideas from Kid Ventures!We just got a box in the mail a day or so ago, and Hannah has been trying to climb into it. I think I might turn it into a car so she can go "Zoom, zoom, zoom". ...