The Peaceful Housewife Natural Cleaning Products e-book is a small guide on how to make homemade cleaning products that are safe for the environment. Most of the ingredients are ones you already have around your house, or can easily be picked up at a store. Many of the recipes are quite simple and are actually pretty useful. I like the wet jet refill in particular mostly because it never occurred to me that I could refill it. There is also a recipe for fabric softener and one for laundry detergent. There a few items on some of the ingredients list that I'm not to sure where you could easily find at the grocery store, like citric acid, but most everything else I think you would be able to get. The e-book is pretty useful, especially if you need to make something quick or are trying to go green. The e-book come as a pdf document, and is $3 to download. If your interesting in checking out the e-book or any of her other products, you can visit the Peaceful Housewife website. I ...
weird stuff….
Tuesday night, I was working on typing up several blog posts while Jason was watching TV and Hannah was sleeping. I had been going in and out of the living room trying to watch the repeat of the new Sons of Anarchy episode and was back in the office when I heard an explosion. It wasn't close, but it was close enough to rattle the windows. Immediately following the sound, all the electricity when off. And I mean all the in the whole town.I stumbled through the house and lit a few candles, then grabbed a flashlight and headed outside. Several of out other neighbors were out and were all pretty confused as to what had happened. We cold hear police cars and firetrucks going, and several of them when past, but no one would say what was going on. There wasn't even anything on the police band. We joked about the possibility of the cause being the decommissioned satellite that was scheduled to fall out of orbit. But eventually we all gave up and went back inside.The ...
UPrinting Flyer Giveaway Winner
The winner of the UPrinting Flyer giveaway is Rhonda M. Congratulations! I hope that you enjoy your flyers. ...
Changes in Baby Acetaminophen
I wanted to post this email that I got a few days ago from BabyCenter about the upcoming changes to infant medicine."Keep your eyes open for a new type of infant acetaminophen, designed to help avoid dangerous overdoses. U.S. drugmakers are phasing out the old concentrated infant drops and replacing them with a safer, less concentrated liquid.For a while, you'll see both old and new types of this popular pain reliever in stores – and possibly in your home medicine cabinet. It's critical to know which one you're using, because following the dosing recommendation for the new medicine while administering the old one could seriously harm your child.You'll recognize the new product because it includes a syringe (for more accurate dosing) instead of a dropper. If it's not already in stores near you, it will be soon." ...
Bounce It Off Millions
All through life, we are faced with all sorts of questions and choices. Many of these are easy and some of them are hard. So, why not get a helping hand with some of the harder ones by 'bouncing' your quandary off of someone else...or millions of someone elses.Starting August 22nd, you can get these burning questions answered. Head over to, click on the “Bounce it Off Millions” app, and submit a question that you need help making a decision on. You question will be turned into a poll and others will be able to vote on it. Plus, four lucky people will get the grand prize -- the chance to turn their life’s great questions into a Facebook-wide advertisement, inviting Facebook’s 150+ million users to help you decide between your two options! There are also chances to win two Bounce Dryer Bars, one for you and one for a friend, as well.The Bounce it Off Millions contest ends September 19...which it today, so you better get over there for your chance to win.I ...
very long day
Actually, the title should read "very long few days"...but I don't have the energy to go into a lot of detail at the moment. Anyway.......I've spent the last day and a half not being able to do any dished because my sink finally decided to rust out. I had water running all over the floor and the cabinet every time I tries to run the water. Yesterday, I ordered a new sink and faucet off of the Lowes website and picked it up at the store this morning. I had been hoping that it would be an easy out-and-in job, but it wasn't. My dad ended up having to make multiple trips out to get stuff since we had to widen the hole in the counter top. We finished up a little after 4. The new stuff looks great! I'll post up some pictures tomorrow. Now...if only I could replace everything else in the kitchen.I've also been working on Hannah's room a bit. I had been hoping to get a little more painting done this evening, but now it looks like we are going to get a downpour of rain, which we ...