I was recently sent a copy of Grove Kid Nation's newest CD, Music in Motion. Groove Kid Nation is a children's music label founded by Rodney Lee. The idea behind the label is to introduce young children to various musical instruments by listening to fun kids songs. Music in Motion features the Kool Catz, who preform the music and guide children in dances and learning. I was interested in listening to the music, but didn't know what to expect. Most of the kids stuff I've heard before are either goofy and weird, or like that Kidz Bop crap (half of the songs on Kidz Bop aren't even appropriate for kids...not matter how much they water down the lyrics). However, the CD far exceeded my expectations. Surprisingly, all of the songs are mostly original jazz and funk compositions. I found myself swaying with the beat of the music from the moment it started. Even Hannah got into it and was dancing around the kitchen. The songs feature a variety of instruments, including drums, ...
Christmas Items & Coupon at Snapily
The Christmas tree is about to meet its newest ornament! Your favorite photos are personalized on your choice of either a 3D or animated Snapily ornament. Hung with a high quality ribbon, the ornaments slight movements will show off images of your loved ones in 3D depth OR flip Animation. Snapily's flip animation allows you to view 2 images in a single space, so the ornament will rotate to reveal both of these photos - for a doubly great experience! Simply upload your images to create a personalized ornament that can be used for the tree, as a stocking stuffer and gift tag, AND an alternate for the traditional holiday card. In addition to ornaments Snapily offers greeting cards, photo cards, business cards, notebooks, backpack tags, and much more!Also, I'm excited to share with you that now through November 30, Snapily is offering free shipping on all orders with code 'SHIPFREE'. Head on over and place your holiday gift orders today and pay nothing for shipping. Enjoy!This is a paid ...
Product Review – Burt’s Bees Natural Skin Solutions
For the past few weeks, I've been testing out the Burt's Bees Natural Skin Solution for Sensitive Skin line. Burt's Bees is all natural, sopa free, and hypo-allergenic. I received both face wash and moisturizing lotion, plus several giveaway testers of the lotion. My skin is super sensitive, so I was a little leery about using it. However, I was very surprised at how well it worked. The first think that I noticed about both products was the lack of overpowering scent. I'm not exactly sure what the smell is, but it very light and pleasant. I think it's the cotton extract. The face wash left my skin feeling clean and super soft. It didn't cause any redness or make my skin break out. The lotion didn't leave any oily residue and lasted all day. It also left my skin feeling very soft. Plus, neither product caused my skin to break out...with is great. Overall, I'll definitely keep using these products. They are a bit more expensive that other products, but it's worth the few ...
Halloween Madness!!
Okay...today has been really crazy. Jason got stuck at work, and didn't get home until almost 4 this morning. I think the store manager is mad at the overnight people now since there wasn't any reason for them to make him stay there that late. He ended up sleeping a pretty good chunk of the day. By the time he was up and about, we barely had any time left to get ready for the party. Luckly, we got everything cleaned up. At first, we were hardly getting any trick-or-treaters. We had 15 huge bags of candy and I was starting to get worried we were going to get stuck with it. Then, all of a sudden, there must of been 200 people out in the street. It stayed steady until 9. The last group came at about 9:15 while we were cleaning up. All in all, it was a good night. Amanda dressed up as Aurthur Dent from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Trana was a witch, and Amanda's daughters were a princess & pirate (girl from POC 4). Everyone who was coming up thought Hannah was ...
Halloween is coming…YAY!!!
Yay!!! Halloween is tomorrow! My favorite holiday is almost here! I'm getting ready to go outside and hand up some more spider webs. I'm be putting up more stuff tomorrow when Jason is home. I refuse to step foot into the shed to get my other decorations out until he cleans it up. Hannah is dressing up as a pirate. I'm dressing up as Tobi from Naruto Shippuden. My costume is mostly accurate, however I'll be missing the ring since I have yet to receive it in the mail. Jason will be...well, I'm not too sure what he's going to be. I'll make sure to post up plenty of pictures of costumes and decorations. Oh...Ghost Hunters Live will be on tomorrow starting at 6, I think, on the SyFy channel. It's always awesome, even through it's being hosted be that moron Josh Gates. EDIT: Check out the layout!!!! ...
Liebster Blog Award
I just got my second award! This one is the Liebster Blog Award, and I received it from Africa's Blog.In case you are not aware, this award spotlights the up and coming blogs that have less than 200 followers. So what’s the catch for this award? By accepting this award, what we need to do is:1. Copy and paste the award on our blog.2. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to us. (thanks Africa's Blog!)3. Reveal our top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.4. Hope that our followers will spread the love to other bloggersThanks again to Africa's BlogMy 5 Picks:Alfabet SoupAsk ShanaeCan Do It MomCinnamonInkHandprints on the Wall ...