When I received my sample bag of Hill's Science Diet Ideal Balance dog food, I was excited. The all natural dog food claims to be able to improve the overall health of your pets, including mobility and coat & skin. There was a bit of a noticable difference, but not enough to justify the cost of the food. The sample I received was a 4lb bag Ideal Balance™ Adult Chicken & Brown Rice Dinner. It's geared toward helping overall health, digestion, the immune system, weight and the skin & coat. We followed the 'feeding guide' on the website and slowly switched them over to the new food . . . giving them the same amount as they always got with their old food. I kept a careful eye on them to see it there was any change. I noticed right away that it didn't seem all that filling to them. They were still hungry after eating, which, with those two, is never a good thing. They caused all sorts of ruckus outside until we started giving them extra food. In the end, they were ...
Why is Yo-Yo Ma On the Floor with a Wombat?
Yes, that's Yo-Yo Ma laying on a bathroom floor . . . with a wombat. I have no idea why he's doing that or what led up to the picture, but the speculation on reddit is very amusing. I also just realized that I should probably be in bed asleep, being that it is almost 3 in the morning. ...
Weirdest Christmas Card Photo Ever
Wow. This is defenitely . . . um . . . creative?http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/trending-now/mayor-bizarre-family-christmas-photo-goes-viral-165229261.html ...
Coupon – One Year WPMU Dev Membership for $100
WPMU Dev is a premium plugin site that supports WordPress, BuddyPress, Multisite, and many more. You can sign up for the site for free and use many of the plugins and themes. You can also upgrade to a paid membership and have to hundreds of premium themes and plugins, plus award winning support.A one year Elite Membership usually cost $419, but right now you can get it for only $100. That's over 75% off! To get more info and to take advantage of this special offer, click the 'Buy Now' button on the image below. This deal will be available until March 31, 2012, or until the codes sell out. <p>&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;This</p>This offer is being made available through SocialSpark. I will receive a commission from any sales. ...
Coupon – Free Shipping from Snapily
Nothing gives me more joy than sitting down and writing out Holiday cards. Each year I try to find the perfect card to mail to my family and friends. This year I came across Snapily! I was amazed to find how many different cards they have available! I love the 3D effect cards and the best part is you don't even need the 3D glasses. Not to mention now until December 31st Snapily is offering Free Shipping with promo code SHIPFREE. While looking for the perfect cards I also found some great gift ideas like the personalized backpack tags. A wonderful way to honor the little scholar in you life! I also am hooked on creating my own bookmarks. I find they are the perfect gift to give out in the office, or to teachers, etc. You can create bookmarks with personal pictures and messages. You can even use your images to create a personalized ornament. Hung with a high quality ribbon, the ornaments slight movements will show off images of your loved ones in 3D depth OR flip Animation. ...
Giveaway – Progressive International Motorcycle Show Tickets
The Progressive International Motorcycle Show is on tour right now, and it's fun for the whole family. The show has a variety of exhibits, including a marketplace where you can buy parts and accessories, "A Century of Motorcycling” presented by Motorcyclist Magazine, demo rides, and the Smage Bros Stunt Show. You can also get your picture taken with Flo. Plus, every Sunday is "Family Day, where kids 12 and under get in free with a paid family member. The show is making stops in numerous cities, so don't miss out. You can buy your tickets at http://www.motorcycleshows.com.The GiveawayProgressive International Motorcycle Show is going to give one lucky reader tickets to the show of their choice, or a pair of ladies gloves. The winner will get however many tickets they need.To enter, leave a comment below telling me what you want to see most at the show. You will also need to put the comment number in the 'extra info' box on the Rafflecopter entry. I hate to do that, but I'm ...