I have a few more product reviews to get written up, and then I think that I will be caught up for the time being. I'm going to try to get them done tomorrow. There is no severe storms to knock out the electricity and it's been too hot to do much outside. Anyway, serves me right for taking on so many. I think I had at least ten going at once.Aside from stuff on here, I've got several book covers lined up. I'm also in the process of registering for Operation Photo Rescue. Basically I wold be volunteering my free time to digitally restore photographs damaged in natural disasters. It's a neat project and I'm happy to donate my time and skills to help out people. ...
Grammarics Review & Giveaway [ENDED]
Last week, I was asked to check out Grammarics’ Pictorial Guide to Commons Errors in English Usage (Volume 1). Grammarics covers all the common mistakes that people make with commas, spelling, word usage, and more.Over the past couple of years, I’ve noticed that I’m picking up on grammar issues when I’m reading stuff more than I ever had in the past. I don’t always catch it in my own writings, mostly since I tend to crank stuff out pretty quick…but I do notice it when I’m reading books. It’s gotten to the point that I have to keep myself from getting a pencil to mark mistakes or highlight sections on my Kindle. I’m going to assume that they just aren’t teaching the same stuff in English classes that learned when I was a kid. I’ve seen proof of then when helping my younger sister-in-law with homework. So, I was eager to look through this to see if would be of great use to her. I wasn’t disappointed.The book is broken down into chapters, each covering a different issue. Each ...
Guest Article – Getting the Little Ones Ready for Summer
The weather is warming up, the sun isn’t hidden behind a constant cloud cover and your kids are shedding their sweaters the way reptiles shed skin. Summer is most definitely on its way. Are you ready for days spent outdoors and poolside? Here are a few tips and tricks to help you make sure you’re ready to take on summer parenting. Last Year’s Clothing Get out last year’s summer gear and see if any of the younger kids have grown into older kids’ castoffs. This way you won’t have to spend a ton of money on tank tops, shorts, etc. NOTE: If you’ve kept these clothes stored in a dark or closed space, take extra precautions to make sure they are truly clean and in good enough shape to touch little ones’ skin. Use a CureUV.com coupon code to get a detection light that you can use to shine on the clothing to make sure that it hasn’t been befouled in any way while in storage (and that a few cycles in the washer have honestly gotten rid of said befoulment). This Year’s ...
‘What To Expect’ Review & Giveaway
A week or so back, I was sent some copies of the What to Expect books. These are the best-selling pregnancy books that cover every aspect of your pregnancy...before, during, and after. They are a must have for everyone.I was sent copies of these three books: What to Expect Before You're Expceting, What to Expect When You're Expecting, & What to Expect the First Year. I received several copes of When You're Expecting and First Year during my pregnancy. I think most everyone does. They are a wonderful reference that I didn't even realize that I would need as much as I did. It answers every questing or issue you can possibly have. I didn't have a copy of Before, so this was the first time I read it. It details all the steps and tips that a couple needs to know before they conceive. There is a really good section on what foods to eat and a wonderful section on dealing with a miscarriage. When we got pregnant, it wasn't really planned, but I am definitely hanging on to this one ...
Guest Article – Preparing for a Baby While They’re Still in the Womb
When you’re pregnant there’s so much to do, but you probably feel like there’s hardly enough time to do it all. Where should a parent start in regard to gathering baby essentials, bath supplies, changing supplies, and decorations for the nursery? The good news is that you have nine months to complete all of these tasks, even though at times they may seem daunting. The best advice is to get a baby journal and track what you’d like to plan to buy and organize week by week; that way, by the time the baby arrives you’ll have all the supplies you need and the nursery will be all put together and beautiful. Don’t stress if you can’t get everything done by the time you give birth. You can always ask family members to chip in and that’s what a baby shower is for! Enjoy being pregnant but stay organized — everything will fall into place. Baby’s Bath Supplies A baby’s bath supplies are an important part of a baby’s daily bath routine, from purchasing baby shampoo to using soft towels or ...
Schwinn Windwood Women’s Cruiser Bike Giveaway [ENDED]
Schwinn Windwood Women's Cruiser Bike GiveawaySponsored by: Mom Blog Society | She Informed | My Dairy Free Gluten Free Life | Frantic Mommy Co-Hosted by: Jackie's Reviews | Geeky Gamer Mom | Swank Savings I have always enjoying riding my bike, and have missed being able to ride around since my knee surgery. I'm hoping that I'll be back on it by the end of the summer. I have a mountain bike and I love it...but sometimes I miss having the old-style bike. Right now, you can win a traditional style Schwinn in the Schwinn Windwood Women's Cruiser Bike Giveaway.The classic Schwinn Windwood women's 26-Inch cruiser evokes the simple style and grace of traditional bicycles, making it a great choice for cruising to the store, the beach, or around town. Designed for easy, relaxed riding, the Windwood boasts a sturdy steel frame with a low stand-over height, making it easy to get on and off the bike. The rustproof 26-hole alloy rims and rear coaster brakes, meanwhile, allow you to stop on a ...