A month ago, I was sent a huge box of Pork Chomps Dog Chews. Pork Chomps dog chews contain no rawhide, so they are healthier for your pets since they are 99% digestible. All of the chews I received for sized for small dogs. I’ve seen Pork Chomps at places like PetSmart in the past but have never picked them up for our dogs before. I was sent a large variety of chews: Bacon Flavor Mini Twist, Baked Stripz, Baked Bones, Premium Sweet Potato Wrapped Sticks, Premium Bacon Flavored Twists, and Premium Sweet Potato Wrapped Bones. I received two of everything, so it was a loaded box. The box arrived while I was on vacation & I opened it once I was back. For the past month my dogs, Tobi & Brownie, have been getting treats with their food and when we are outside (haven’t been out too much here lately due to the heat). So far, they haven’t turned down a single treat. They really like the bacon twists and the sweet potato bones. All the bags are a fairly good size, so we’ve ...
Product Review – DreamHost
About two months ago, I was contacted by DreamHost about switching my host service to them. DreamHost has been around for 16 years & offers a variety of hosting options at low prices. They have recently introduced cloud storage, which (as I understand it) is internet-based storage for your website that you pay for as you go. This blog has been on Blogger since I first started it. Blogger has been good but the downside is that I don’t actually own that blog. At any given moment, Blogger can take it down for whatever reason. Moving it to a paid host means that it would be protected from random deletion and I would own it. It’s a good thing to do once your blog gets large enough, but it can be a bit of a challenge sometimes…as I have found out.Transfering from Blogger can be a bit of a challenge. First of all, you will most likely be converting to a WordPress format. Second, if run the risk of messing it up and loosing data if you do it wrong. For a blog my size with a decent ...
Super frustrated!
I am super frustrated! Everything that could possibly go wrong or cause problems has been happening this week...which has put me behind even more.Earlier this week, we noticed that on of the tires on my 4Runner was looking low while we were out visiting my husband's grandfather. He filled it up for us so that we would be able to get home, and planned on taking it up to Walmart the following day to get it checked. The next day (Sunday), my husband ran it up there. After waiting over 2 hours, they said that they couldn't find a leak...even though it had lost 10 pounds of air overnight. That night, we went back out to his grandfathers and it stated going flat in his driveway. He checked it by pouring soapy water over the tire and found the leak in under a second. It wasn't just a slow leak, it was a big one. We filled it up, again, but knew we would have to wait until my husband's next day off to do anything about it. The following morning, the tire was completely flat. So, I ...
Produt Review – The Snugg
While I was on vacation, I received the best pitch ever for a product review. The item was The Snugg is a company that makes high quality cases for iPhones, Kindles, tablets & more. Here are a few snippets from the email: "If you are still reading, then thank you. I am lucky enough to represent a company called Snugg. I appreciate that there are trillions of people who sell covers, and I won’t ram a load of facts and figures down your throat and will try to keep it to a [minimum.] Your blog is fantastic so I would like to send you a cover, feel free to keep/distribute at your will, without charge, and I would invite you to leave a frank, honest and genuine review of our product. If you could save my chances of continuing gainful employment by reviewing these products[…]"This is a guy who loves his job and the company he works for, and he totally deserves a raise. Since Snugg offers a variety of products, I got to pick which one I wanted to review. It goes without saying that I ...
Product Review – Poyomi Photobooks
A few weeks ago, I was asked to create a photo book at Poyomi. Poyomi allows you to upload your images and create custom photo books of various sizes. Unlike the other photo books I’ve tried in the past, Poyomi books are paperback, affordable, and you can place bulk orders. Finding a company that offers a good photo book has been a bit difficult. I look for them mainly to be able to show off my photography and graphic design to potential customers. The hard cover ones are nice, but they tend to be very costly and you don’t get a lot of pages. The very first thing I noticed about Poyomi is that you can get a ton of pages for little cost. You can also have multiple images per page with text descriptions or one image per page. I went with one image per page in a 40 page book. I originally had some descriptions but I took them out since they printed over the bottom of the image. It only took me a few minutes to upload all of my images, and a few more minutes to arrange ...
Trying to Get Caught Up
I'm just now getting some time to try to get caught up with everything here. I finished taking all the antibiotics my doctor gave me to get over the sinus infection a few days ago, but I still haven't felt too good. I think that I was having a bit of a reaction to the meds, but it seems to be getting better now.Anyway, I have a ton of reviews that need to get up this week, including the DreamHost review. I'm still working on getting the transfer done, so it's probably going to be in two parts. I had been hoping to have it all done by now, but with everything that's been going on it's been pushed to the back burner. There will be a few new giveaways put up as well, so be on the look out for those as well. Also, I will be attending FenCon X this year! Yay!! I should have a table set up with Trana and I will be selling prints as well as cover commissions. I'll have more details on that once it get's closer to October. ...