While I was on vacation, I received the best pitch ever for a product review. The item was The Snugg is a company that makes high quality cases for iPhones, Kindles, tablets & more. Here are a few snippets from the email:
“If you are still reading, then thank you. I am lucky enough to represent a company called Snugg. I appreciate that there are trillions of people who sell covers, and I won’t ram a load of facts and figures down your throat and will try to keep it to a [minimum.]Your blog is fantastic so I would like to send you a cover, feel free to keep/distribute at your will, without charge, and I would invite you to leave a frank, honest and genuine review of our product. If you could save my chances of continuing gainful employment by reviewing these products[…]”
This is a guy who loves his job and the company he works for, and he totally deserves a raise. Since Snugg offers a variety of products, I got to pick which one I wanted to review. It goes without saying that I immediately picked the Kindle Fire HDcase, since it seems to be next to imposable to find a good one.

Overall, I absolutely love the Snugg. It has made my Kindle more fun to use and it looks great too. Snugg offers a wide variety of well-made covers for other products as well. The Kindle case I got costs $29.99 (+ shipping) and you can order it directly from Snugg or Amazon. You can view all of their products at the Snugg website.
I received the above mentioned product for free.
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