A few weeks back, I was sent some samples of QwickShower Gym Class Wipes to review. The wipes were created by a father of three who wanted a way for his kids to clean up quick after sports pratice. The wipes are individually packed and are 10"x12". I was sent a sample pack consisting of two individual wipes. I had been expecting the regular 24 pack (which is what they infered we were getting). I wasn't really able to test this one out as much I wold have liked, but I had to make due with what I got. Anyway, the wipe itself is huge. It's around the size of a regular sheet of paper. The cloth is failry sturdy and withstands a good scrubbing. The texture is also nice. There was no heavy fragrence that I could smell, which is always a plus in my book. I left my skin feeling clean and freash. There were a few sticky spots, but nothing that I would consider off putting. Since the wipes are individually wrapped, the uses are endless. You can used them after a ...
Product Review – Vidazorb Super C
A few weeks ago, I was contacted by Vidazorb and asked to try out their one of their products. Vidazorb makes chewable probiotic tables that help your digestive system. They carry five different types of chewables. I choose to try out the Super C. The Super C formulation contains all the same ingredients as the Daily and Plus, but has add Vitamin C and is orange-pineapple flavor. It's good for boosting your overall immune strength, which is something I can always use being that I am allergic to almost all antibiotics. However, since I am allergic to a lot of stuff, I had to be a little cautious and keep an eye on myself (I usually start with a rash when I have a reaction). Thankfully, I had no issues with the first chewable. Each bottle has 90 tables and it's recommended that you take three a day. I started out with the three, but noticed that it may have been a bit much for me. On the second day, I ended up getting a bad stomach ache/crams after drinking a soda. I don't ...
Product Review – Burt’s Bees Natural Skin Solutions
For the past few weeks, I've been testing out the Burt's Bees Natural Skin Solution for Sensitive Skin line. Burt's Bees is all natural, sopa free, and hypo-allergenic. I received both face wash and moisturizing lotion, plus several giveaway testers of the lotion. My skin is super sensitive, so I was a little leery about using it. However, I was very surprised at how well it worked. The first think that I noticed about both products was the lack of overpowering scent. I'm not exactly sure what the smell is, but it very light and pleasant. I think it's the cotton extract. The face wash left my skin feeling clean and super soft. It didn't cause any redness or make my skin break out. The lotion didn't leave any oily residue and lasted all day. It also left my skin feeling very soft. Plus, neither product caused my skin to break out...with is great. Overall, I'll definitely keep using these products. They are a bit more expensive that other products, but it's worth the few ...
Changes in Baby Acetaminophen
I wanted to post this email that I got a few days ago from BabyCenter about the upcoming changes to infant medicine."Keep your eyes open for a new type of infant acetaminophen, designed to help avoid dangerous overdoses. U.S. drugmakers are phasing out the old concentrated infant drops and replacing them with a safer, less concentrated liquid.For a while, you'll see both old and new types of this popular pain reliever in stores – and possibly in your home medicine cabinet. It's critical to know which one you're using, because following the dosing recommendation for the new medicine while administering the old one could seriously harm your child.You'll recognize the new product because it includes a syringe (for more accurate dosing) instead of a dropper. If it's not already in stores near you, it will be soon." ...
Prefense Review and Giveaway [ENDED]
For the past two weeks, I've been testing out Prefense Foaming Hand Sanitizer. It's silica based and contains no alcohol. It protects against staph, strep, E.coli, drug resistant MRSA strains, and more...plus, one spray lasts up to 10 hand washings. Since it's made from natural ingredients, it's safe for kids. I'm always somewhat leery of using hand sanitizer, especially since my skin is very sensitive. It doesn't take much to aggravate it and cause either a rash or spontaneous peeling. So, needles to say, I was a little apprehensive to use it. However, I was truly surprised by this product. First off, I noticed that it has no chemical smell. In fact, it has no scent whatsoever...which is a huge thumbs up in my book. I hate using stuff with a strong or weird scent unless it's perfume or a particular type of lotion. Second, there is truth to the statement that 'a dab will do ya'. The first time I used it, I pressed the plunger all the way down, which ended up giving me a ...
Product Review – Green Tea Plus
After having such a great experience with the Postnatal Vitamins from Delta Labs, I decided to try out their Green Tea Plus natural weight loss supplement. It's a 100% herbal formula designed to boost your metabolism. You take two pills a day, preferably during meals. Like the Postnatal Vitamins, I noticed an immediate effect. I took a pill just before eating breakfast, and it didn't take very long before I got full. I remained full for most of the day, only getting hungry again once it was getting close to dinner. The first two days, I tried to take both pills...one before breakfast and one before lunch. However, I'm a bit sensitive to caffeine and it made me kind of jittery, so I cut down to one pills with breakfast and was fine. Overall, I'm very impressed with this green tea supplement. It works extremely well and really does kill your appetite. Like the Postnatal Vitamins, a bottle costs $39.95 (plus shipping). For more information on Green Tea + for Natural Weight Loss, visit ...