A few weeks ago, I was sent several tubes of Gutsy Chewy. Gusty Chewy is a large chewable tablet that you take to treat an upset stomach. It contains papaya, apple cider vinegar, licorice root, Xylitol, and minerals like calcium and magnesium. It’s available in two flavors: citrus and wildberry. I was sent both flavors to try out. Each tube has eight tablets…and they are huge! One tablet is about the size of a quarter, and has the thickness of for quarters stacked. To use, take one to two tables when your stomach starts bothering you. Chew them for as long as possible and then swallow. Don't take more than two in a 24 hours period. The first time I took one, I just about gagged. They aren’t the best tasting things, and even after using them several times, I’m still not used to the taste. They are very chalky. It reminds me of the white stuff they make you drink at the hospital if you are having stomach issues…only with a hint of fruit taste in the back. However, they are pretty ...
Product Review – COPPERTONE® CLEARLYSheer™ Sunny Days Sunscreen
Last week, I was sent a bottle of COPPERTONE® CLEARLYSheer™ Sunny Days sunscreen, along with a few travel tubes of it as well. COPPERTONE® is a well known name in sun care products and has been around for a long time. We took our daughter to her first MLB game a few days ago (Sunday), and decided that it would be the perfect time to test it out. We put some on before leaving the house, and took the trial size tubes with us so we could reapply if needed. From the moment we first took our seats, I could feel my skin burning. I kept reapplying the sunscreen, but it only served to make the sunburn worse. I even went inside several times just to get out of the sun for a bit. Meanwhile, my daughter wasn't burning at all. In fact, she wasn't even red. We were at the park about 6 hours. By the time we got home, the only red on my daughter was the very tips of her ears where I didn't put anything. My husbands arms were a little red, & he didn't put on any sunscreen. I, on the ...
Product Review – Cassani Fogless Shower Mirror
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Last week, I was sent a Cassani Fogless shower mirror. The mirror is designed to keep from fogging up letting you shave or wash your face in the shower. It comes with a two stainless steel hooks: one for hanging the mirror and the other for your razor. I’ve seen a lot of the anti-fog mirrors in stores; most of them having you put water in the back heat the mirror. This mirror has a coating on it, so both my husband and I didn’t think it would work all that well. The mirror itself is very thin and light. I hug it up at the back of the shower where the water doesn’t directly hit and tried it out. Surprisingly, it doesn’t fog. My husband has used it several times already and hasn’t had an issue. Now, I’ve seen a lot of reviews on Amazon stating that after a few weeks it does start fogging. It fix this, Cassani says to wash it with either soap or toothpaste. I don’t really see where that would help, but if ours starts ...
Product Review – Valentia Even Glow Serum
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. A few weeks ago, I was sent a bottle of Valentia Even Glow Serum. The serum is an antioxidant treatment made from Vitamin C that evens skin tone, increases glow & radiance, boosts collagen production, and reduces fine lines & wrinkles. Now, I normally scoff at this kind of stuff, having the opinion that it’s not going to work. I’ve been sent a few items in the past that were kind of similar and they did nothing aside from making my face itch for several days. The bottle is 1.18 fl oz and comes with a dropper. Following the directions, I shook it for a minute, and then opened it up. The first thing I noticed was the smell. It smelled like a fresh bag of oranges. I filled the dropped about halfway and put a drop on each cheek, one on my chin, one on my nose, and one on my forehead. I started rubbing it in. It absorbed into my skin quickly and didn’t leave any residue. The most noticeable thing that I saw right ...
Product Review – Adovia Dead Sea Mud Mask
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Last week, I was sent a tube of Adovia Dead Sea Mud Mask. The mask contains of 21 minerals that help keep skin healthier and act as an acne treatment. It tightens and purifies pores leaving your skin a clear, younger complexion. It can also be used and a spot treatment for acne and blackheads. I’ve used many brands of clay masks in the past that I’ve bought from the beauty department from the store. For the most part they are heavy, thick, and very hard to wash off. Several brands have even irritated my skin. This mask, however, is a way higher quality than the junk from the store. I was a bit dubious and figured that it would be the same as the others. The mask itself is very light and kind of creamy. It has a very pleasant smell to it, and it spread on quickly and easily. It dried within a few minutes and was easily flaking off without any water. My skin definitely felt a bit tighter and firmer. I also noticed that ...
Product Review – Total Colon Cleanse and Detox 7 Day Weight Loss Slim System
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. A few weeks back, I was sent a bottle of Total Colon Cleanse and Detox. Made by Elite Gold Solutions, it promotes natural weights loss, boost energy & improve health by gently listening and softening built up waste matter in your colon. I have never tired a colon cleanse product before, so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I hoped that it would help me loose at least a few pounds and maybe even get rid of a little fluid. You take one pill twice a day with a full glass of water before a meal, for seven days. When I checked out the amazon page for info, I saw that several of the reviews posted that they were taking at least three to get better results. While taking it, I noticed a slight increase in energy and I felt better. I also noticed that I wasn’t retaining as much fluid during the day. By the end of the week, I was down about 5 pounds. However, the weight was back after a few days. I decided to try ...