It's been very, very hot and I haven't felt like doing much. Jason is finally out cutting the grass in the backyard as I type, and Hannah is sprawled out in her playpen happily full from dinner.Tomorrow, I get to play with the Oreck Steam Mop that my parents bought a few weeks back. I used it once on my kitchen floor and was amazed at how much it dirt it cleaned up. We are wanting to get one, but are waiting for it to go on sale again.My friend Brandy is supposed to be having her baby sometime this week! I think the due date was a few days ago, so he could decide to come out at any time. I'm going to try to get her to write a guest article at some point since she's using a midwife. I'm a little worried for her, since it's a bit of a drive to the nearest hospital should something go wrong. ...
family life
We need to invest in a goat…or four
We need to get a new lawnmower, but Jason is trying to wait until one goes on sale. Meanwhile, while he waits, half of the grass in the backyard is almost waist high. It's totally out of control. I think we should just get a goat and be done with it. He'll have plenty to eat, two dogs to torrment play with, and I'll even take him for a walk down the street for fun. Best of more having the cut the back grass. We will only have to worry about the front, which is much more managable. And yes...that is Goat Boy. ...
carsickness continues
Well, I though that we had Hannah's carsickness under control with the over the counter stuff that her doctor suggested. She's been fine the last few car rides around town, and has made it out to Jason's grandparents' house twice. However, she didn't make it down the street today.We were heading over to my parents to have a mini cookout and celebrate Jason finally getting transfered out of the Terrell store. We made it to the WalMart, which is just down the street, and she started throwing up. As usual, it's almost projectile she covered the back seat. We turned around and quickly drove back to the house. She was okay until Jason leaned in to get her out of the car seat, then she threw up about three more times.We got her in and gave her a bath. She seems to be okay now...but there is absolutely no way that we are taking her anywhere until we get a hold of the doctor tomorrow. We are going to have to try the prescription next. If that doesn't work, I don't know ...
Sometimes I Feel I’m Married to a Five Year Old…
Jason and I have been married four years, and I love him to death. I don't know what I would do without him. Yet, there are times he acts like such a little kid! For instance, last night, we were done eating dinner and were watching 'I Am Number Four' (decent movie by the way) on the couch. I asked him if he wanted any more food and he leans over the coffee table, picks up his fork, and starts scratching his back with it! I just sat there with my mouth open for a second before I started getting on to him. I ened up having to take the fork away from him becasue he woudn't stop. He just sits there grinning like he's doing something completly normal.He does stuff like this all the time. One minute we'll be stitting there talking about the news or something...the next he'll be trying to get me to smell his socks. I'm going to assume that most men are like this becasue my mom complains about my dad all the time. My dad will walk around with a pocket flashlight stuck up his nose ...
Since We’re on the Subject of Freaky Critters…
Look what my mom found out in the courtyard at their house the other day! A nice lovely rat snake just over five feet long. It was making it's way across the courtyard and toward the porch when she saw it. Now, my mom is deathly afraid of you can imagine her reaction. I was on the phone with her at the time, and she just about when into a full blown panic attack. She started yelling 'Oh my God...' over and over, and at first I had no idea what she was on about. I though that either some was breaking into the house or she was having a heart attack. Then the screaming and F bombs started flying. Only a snake can get to her like that. My dad happened to come home just then, so he took care of it. Though, judging by the looks of the snake, he unloaded half a clip into it. He's not much better than my mom.So now my mom is swearing up and down that she will no longer step outside the rest of the summer. This happens at least once every year, and she will stay in for ...
Terrell, TX: Home of Freakish Mutant Opossums
February OpossumOur yard seems to have become the playground of opossums. These aren't small, little spindly opossums. They're the size of frickin beavers! Or a good size medium dog.Back in February, Tobi chased one up the fence and proceed to dangle a few feet in the air while hanging onto it's tail. With the help of our neighbor, we manged to catch it and get it in a cage. What followed next turned into the weirdest two hours of our lives. We waited for over an hour for Animal Control to show up, and all we got was an overtired cop in a cop car. At looking at it and determining that yes, it was indeed a opossum (duh!) and no, he couldn't put it in the back seat of the police car since the cage didn't close (we were holding it in there with some rope and a large PVC pipe), he left to go get the Animal Control truck. He shows back up thirty minutes later still in his police car, proclaims that he has just the thing, and pulls out a cinder-block from the trunk of the car. A ...