Now, my mom is deathly afraid of snakes…so you can imagine her reaction. I was on the phone with her at the time, and she just about when into a full blown panic attack. She started yelling ‘Oh my God…’ over and over, and at first I had no idea what she was on about. I though that either some was breaking into the house or she was having a heart attack. Then the screaming and F bombs started flying. Only a snake can get to her like that. My dad happened to come home just then, so he took care of it. Though, judging by the looks of the snake, he unloaded half a clip into it. He’s not much better than my mom.
So now my mom is swearing up and down that she will no longer step outside the rest of the summer. This happens at least once every year, and she will stay in for about a week. After that, the fear/shock wears off and she’s back to normal. The summer before last, she called me crying because there was a snake on the gate. When I told her to go inside, she said that she couldn’t because there was a large frog by the front door…and she didn’t want to get near it either. I think it was my hysterical laughter that got her inside. She was mad at me for laughing, but even she admitted that she was being silly.
I shouldn’t laugh though, since I’m not much better with spiders. We have those big hunting spiders out here, as well as tarantulas. The hunting spiders aren’t so bad, but the tarantulas make my skin crawl. I haven’t seen any in quite some time, so I thank the opossums for that.
Just wanted to let you know that I stopped by from the Alexa Blog Hop!
i just followed you and hope you’ll return the favor, at
Found you at the Terrific Thursday Blog Hop, and I’m a new follower.
Eeek on that creepy creature there! I’d probably react just like your mom + all the hysterics I’m so famous for 🙂
Hope you have some time to drop by my blog:
I am not afraid of snakes, but if I would have stumbled upon that I am sure I would have shreeked!
followed from the alexa blog hop!