"...I've got a golden twinkle in my eye". I have obtained my ticket for the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2 tomorrow night. I'm going with my friend Amanda, and we're both so excited! We haven't been been to a midnight release in ages. ...
family life
what a weekend…
It's been one of those weekends...It was hot here on Saturday: 112. Friggin Texas weather. By the time I thought to get a pic of the gage, it was early evening and the temp had dropped. Oh well...My insomnia has returned full force and I have been lucky to get around 2 to 3 hours of sleep a day. It's almost one in the morning now and I'm wide awake. I've tried sleeping pills, Sleepy Time tea, melatonin...nothing has helped. Excedrin PMs work, but I can only take them when Jason is going to be home in the morning since they make me super groggy. And since he hasn't really been off, they've done me no good. So...I've been totally dead on my feet, which is why stuff has been lagging around here lately.Speaking of not sleeping, Hannah has decided that bed time has become play time. I get her into bed, and she'll feign sleep until I leave the room, then it's party time. She jumps all over the crib playing with her teddy bears and giggling. It takes her a good three hours ...
Aggressive Dogs Terrorizing Parts of Forney
Several months back, I posted about two extremely aggressive dogs that been terrorizing the neighborhoods surrounding my parents house in Forney. The dogs stalk up and down the streets, looking for anything small enough to attack. They killed one dog, a little terrier, right in front of it's owner, and broke through two screen doors to get at my parent's outdoor cat. The dogs are not afraid of people at all, and it's only a matter of time before they get a hold of a person. The owner of the dogs, who lives a few houses away from my parents, has been notified numerous times by both the county police and neighbors. He keeps the dogs a in pen topped with razor wire, so he knows that they are dangerous...yet does nothing when they do get out.Yesterday, my parents were in laying down when they heard a commotion outside. My dad got up to look, and saw the two dogs in the courtyard: one was attacking their cat while the other was attempting to break through the sliding glass door to go after ...
Suprise in the mail!
I was very suprised to find a box on my doorstep Saturday from the Toy Review Network. I didn't know that I was getting anything from them to review. It's a Linking Loops bead maze. Hannah was excited and has been carrying it around the house since I took it out of the box. I tried setting it on the table in an attempt to get her to use it. All I got for my efforts was a round of 'no's, followed by her running off and hiding it in her room...along with the empty tea jug Jason was trying to get from her. ...
The UPS Rant
Several weeks ago, I ordered something as a Father's Day present for Jason from OpenSky.com. I was very excited about it since it was a great deal and I knew he would love it. The item was supposed to arrive via UPS within a few days. That was on the 9th. The order was processed the next day. The next, and final, time my package was scanned was on the 14th in NY. After several days of waiting, I checked the tracking number. For a while, there was no delivery date. Then, after a few days, it said that it would be delivered by end of day on the 17th. It never showed.The following day, I emailed UPS to find out what was going on. After waiting nearly all day, they responded that the package had not been scanned for days (which I already knew) and was mostly likely lost. I would have to contact the shipper, OpenSky, to have them open an investigation. So I emailed OpenSky and heard back from them early Monday. The customer service rep said that she had just gotten off the phone with UPS ...
Wordless Wednesday – Bed Time
While I was making dinner the other night, Hannah was throwing a fit. Jason took her into her room to try to get her settled down so she could eat. After about 30 minutes, I went in to check on them and found them both asleep. ...