I spent Thanksgiving alone with Hannah, and I was sick. I ended up heating up a small ham and making some mashed potatoes for dinner. Then Hannah and I sat in the living room watching the Ravens game.Jason had to go in to work earlier than expected and didn't get home until 6 in the morning. He said that the Segoville store was a madhouse. They ran out of carts early in the evening, so people were grabbing luggage and tote boxes off the shelves to put stuff in. He even saw people dragging boxes around. Once the sales started, all hell broke loose. People were fighting and stealing stuff out of carts. One of the associates got punched in the face when she told someone that the videos and dvds couldn't be sold until midnight. All in all, he said that was the worst he's ever seen . . . and he worked with the company for over 10 years. Makes me glad that I don't work anymore.Anyway...I seem to be getting over whatever it was that I had. I should be able to get back to work on ...
family life
I had a very busy weekend. Jason is sick and really needs to go to the doctor. However, he has to work the entire week & weekend, and won't be off again until at least the middle of next week. He's mad, but there isn't anything he can do. All we can hope for is that Hannah doesn't catch whatever it is that he has.Due to his work schedule, we had to do Thanksgiving/Birthdays yesterday with my parents. Jason's birthday is on Thursday, and my dad's is Wednesday. I spend Friday, Saturday, and most of yesterday trying to get the dinning room cleaned up. I got everything done, but now my hand is killing me. It took me almost 25 minutes to get a jar of applesauce open for Hannah. It's very depressing.Anyway...just ignore the blank boxes in the header and sidebars. It's place holders for some new ads I'll be running at some point. Also, I'm going to try to get the rest of the product reviews typed and posted to day. There's at least three that I need to do. ...
MRI came back…
The doctor called and said that the MRI came back. She said that there is a lot of fluid in my hand, but, other than that, everything looked normal. So, now I'll be off to see the hand specialist. His office will probably call sometime during the week. Joy. And here I was hoping it was going to be something simple. ...
just some general updates
I am seriously behind in updates and reviews. Whatever is going on with my hand is not getting any better, and at times it's almost impossible to type. Approval for the MRI is taking a while, but I'm hoping to find out something soon so I can go ahead and get it done. So . . . . posts are going to be a bit behind for a little while longer, at least. I'm going to try to get some stuff posted tomorrow, so be on the lookout for a barrage of product reviews and at least two more giveaways.Hannah has finally figured out how to climb up onto the couch, so I've spent the last few days pulling her off the coffee table. She's also taken to trying to walk around the house in my tennis shoes. She actually gets around pretty good, but I'm to scared she's going to fall and get hurt to let her wear them for too long. I got a couple of cute videos of her though the I might post up later in the week. ...
I had my follow up at the doctor. I'm going to have to go and get the MRI because she's not sure what's going on with my hand. After it's done and she get's the results, I'll either have to go to a specialist or possibly have some rehab. Thankfully, they have a rehab guy there at the office so I won't have to go somewhere else if I have to have it.After we left the office, we headed back to town and stopped into WalMart to get some groceries. I started getting nauseous and ended up going to sleep once we got home. I didn't wake up until almost 5, when Jason came in and said that his parents were stooping by. They were here for a little bit, and after they left I started working on trying to get caught up on some product reviews.Product reviewing was interrupted by the wind picking up. Jason and I ran around the front yard like mad, trying to get the Halloween decorations picked up. The wind started blowing out of no where and some of my tombstones decided to try to escape.I'm ...
Halloween Madness!!
Okay...today has been really crazy. Jason got stuck at work, and didn't get home until almost 4 this morning. I think the store manager is mad at the overnight people now since there wasn't any reason for them to make him stay there that late. He ended up sleeping a pretty good chunk of the day. By the time he was up and about, we barely had any time left to get ready for the party. Luckly, we got everything cleaned up. At first, we were hardly getting any trick-or-treaters. We had 15 huge bags of candy and I was starting to get worried we were going to get stuck with it. Then, all of a sudden, there must of been 200 people out in the street. It stayed steady until 9. The last group came at about 9:15 while we were cleaning up. All in all, it was a good night. Amanda dressed up as Aurthur Dent from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Trana was a witch, and Amanda's daughters were a princess & pirate (girl from POC 4). Everyone who was coming up thought Hannah was ...