I have been a naughty blogger again by getting caught up in way too much going on. It seems to have been one thing after another lately. So, instead of several updates, I'm just going to do one big post to try to get stuff caught up. Email Woes Yahoo is the most annoying thing in the world. You would think that after all the years they have been doing business that they would have figured out how to work out/fix issues with their email. I'm going to apologize now if you have emailed me over the past few weeks. Yah-Hell (as my friends and I call it now) deciding that almost everything coming into my inbox was spam. Now, one of three things happened to this so called 'spam'. It would either a). go into the SPAM/BULK folder with hundreds of real spam and I would end up spending half the day sorting through stuff, b). vanish completely to pop up either in the inbox or spam folder several days later, or c). vanish never to be seen, heard of, or even known it was sent in the first ...
blog update
Assorted Updates and News
Things have been busy around here lately. I'm still elbow deep in reviews, which I should be working on tonight but I'm beat. We went to the Rangers game yesterday & I got sunburned really bad even though I was wearing sunscreen. My daughter was wearing the same stuff I was and the only red on her is on the tips of her ears. My arms and shoulders aren't too bad, by my legs look awful. It hurts every time I get up and walk around. So, I've gotten nothing done today aside from limping around Walmart. I've got a few posts almost ready to go, so I'll get them up tomorrow. The main reason I'm so behind is that I've had several design commissions come in rapid succession. Up until this point, I haven't gotten a lot but now my business is picking up. It's really hard to judge when I'll get commission work & when I do get them they are very time consuming, so I think I'm going to start cutting back the amount of reviews I take in a month. The reviews have really taken over ...
Quick Giveaway Update
I am super happy at getting over 550 entries for the Bright Washes Bright Wishes Giveaway! That's the most entries I've gotten to date for a giveaway. I'll be picking the winners and emailing them this eveing...probably after my daughter goes to bed. There are two other giveaways going right now: The iParent.tv Giveaway & The Vitamin Boost Giveaway. There should be some more giveaways starting soon, so keep and eye out. I'm also looking for some movie suggestions for a Family Movie Night giveaway. I don't have a huge budget but I figured I could get a few older movies and a new release, as well as a box of microwave popcorn. What movies would you like to see? ...
The Holiday Gift Guide Lives!!
Are you a Game of Thrones fan? Have you always wanted to see Ned Stark holding a candy cane? Your wish has been granted! You can see that and great Christmas gift ideas on the 2013 Holiday Gift Guide. Old Ned may have lost his head, but he will forever live on in our hearts...and memes. I've spent the better part of the afternoon making him look nice and holiday-ish for your giggling pleasure. If you've never watched Game of Thrones, you should get it on Netflix. All silliness, the Gift Guide is up and already has a bunch of stuff on it. There have been several coupon posts already & you can view them by clicking here: HGG 2013. ...
Demographics Survey
I'm trying to figure out the demographics for the site so that I have the information on hand to give to companies if they request it. I'm using UserReport, so there will be a feedback icon on the left side. The survey will pop up the first time you visit, if you haven't seen it already. By completing it, you can sign up for a monthly giveaway for $100 gift card. The giveaway is run by UserReport and I have no involvement. The survey is optional and you don't have to answer all the questions if you don't want to. ...
New Instagram Account!
I've started an account on Instagram: http://instagram.com/misadvmom. There will be a mix of stuff for the blog (pics, product review photos, ect...) & my photography and design work. Plus little odds and ends of stuff. I've got a few pictures up there right now and I'll be adding some more stuff today. ...