I have been a naughty blogger again by getting caught up in way too much going on. It seems to have been one thing after another lately. So, instead of several updates, I’m just going to do one big post to try to get stuff caught up.
Email Woes
Yahoo is the most annoying thing in the world. You would think that after all the years they have been doing business that they would have figured out how to work out/fix issues with their email. I’m going to apologize now if you have emailed me over the past few weeks. Yah-Hell (as my friends and I call it now) deciding that almost everything coming into my inbox was spam. Now, one of three things happened to this so called ‘spam’. It would either a). go into the SPAM/BULK folder with hundreds of real spam and I would end up spending half the day sorting through stuff, b). vanish completely to pop up either in the inbox or spam folder several days later, or c). vanish never to be seen, heard of, or even known it was sent in the first place. C seems to be happening the most often. I think it’s tapering off now…but who knows.
Fun with Tires
One of my back tires decided to fall apart on us about two weeks ago while going to the circus. We spent a lovely 45 minutes stuck on the side of the road, trying to put the spare on and unwrap the tread from around the axle. Said spare, however, was in worse shape than the other tires (being that I think it was one of the original tires that came on the car when the original owner bought it new) and flat to boot. Luckly, one of my husbands co-workers was able to come out with a spare air tank. So, while my mom picked me and my daughter up, my husband was able to get the tire replaced. The following day, I got the other back tire replaced. And last week we got the two front tires replaced. So…new tires.
FenCon 2014
FenCon is awesome and I think anyone who is a sci-fi can should go. I didn’t sell anything at my table again, but my table was right next to Tymothy Zahn which more than makes up for it. If you aren’t familiar with him, he put the Star Wars Expanded Universe (now refereed to as Star Wars Legends…freaking Disney *frowns*) with the Thrawn Trilogy. My battered paperback copy is now signed! Amongst other things, I watched the new Doctor Who episode before it aired on BBC America. I also got to watch The Flash pilot (awesome!) and the original Constantine pilot before re-shooting it after writing out Lucy Griffiths.
Sinuses suck. And they give me horrible migraines that incapacitate me for most of the day.
I’m working with SavingsAngel to post Target coupons every week. This is my first week doing it, and it’s very tedious. I’m still trying to figure everything out, so it’s a little late getting up. I’m still now sure how to export it yet, but I should have it posted later tonight. Now that I’m a little used to it, they will be out every Sunday. Hopefully it will start taking me less time to get everything entered in as I go along.
Other Blog Related Stuff
I think I’m mostly caught up with reviews right now. The Christmas Guide will be turning up soon…according to the teaser on the slider. There should be some more giveaways starting up soon.
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