There are all sorts of useful items that are great for baby showers. The best gifts that you can get for someone is an item that will get a lot of use. One of the best and most important items you can give is one that you might not think of at first: small baby blankets. Baby blankets can be used for many years, and can have many uses as the child grows. They go from keeping your baby warm in his or her crib to being used as capes during playtime, or as play blankets for baby dolls. They also make great keepsake items, and if well taken care of, can be passed down to siblings and even grandchildren. My favorite ones are the little security blankets. They’re perfect for babies to both cuddle up with and keep warm at night. My daughter was given one shortly after she was born and as she got bigger, she took it with her everywhere. She still sleeps with it, even though she’s three. It’s very special to her and she takes very good care of it. I hope that one day she will ...
Guest Article — How to Develop Your Own Cohesive, Fashion Style
With the popularity of social video and photography websites, many individuals who wouldn’t normally market themselves stylishly are finding the need to create content that is both informative and visually pleasing. With this focus on the visual, it’s becoming increasingly important to develop and perfect your own personal fashion style. How you present yourself on the web or in real life is a large indicator of how seriously potential clients will take you, your website, or your product. You don’t need to hire a professional stylist to develop your style. Here are a few hints for developing your style. Pretend You’re In a Photo Shoot Part of developing a style means creating some consistency in your wardrobe, makeup, accessories, and hair. The best, most professional photo shoots center around a single concept or look and remain pretty consistent to that look, with a few whimsical bits of personality woven in. If you’re marketing yourself on a website, this is perfect, because ...
Guest Article – Three Things NOT to Do in Tuscany
Tuscany offers so many things to do, that it’s easy to forget that there are things you should not do while in Tuscany. After all, it’s your vacation, and it may be the only chance you have in a long time to truly unplug, relax, and escape from reality. So, amid those travel guides, local recommendations, and internet pleas of everything you absolutely must do, take some hints on a few things you should not do as well. Do Not Take too Many Photos Photos are great and will help preserve the memory and tell the story of the places you visited, so it’s important to take some really good photos. It’s also important to set the camera aside. A camera may separate you from the scenes of life – instead of being someone that is part of the picture; you’re separating yourself and taking the picture. You become the photographer rather than the subject. Give yourself some opportunities to be the subject, to blend into your surroundings, to feel one with the ambience of the place. Try other ...
Guest Article – More Than Mouse Food: The Gourmet Guide to Italian Cheeses
Wine, chocolate, and cheese are some of the most favorite foods around the world, and it takes a certain amount of knowledge to be able to speak intelligently about all of them. The best way to gain that knowledge is through tasting, determining what you like, and then learning the process for how that chocolate, wine, or cheese is made. The wonderful thing about food is that all its flavor, diversity, and richness can be traced back to the ingredients, the amounts of these ingredients, and the method by which it’s prepared. Food preparation combines both science and art. Here are a few things you should know about Italian cheese. The Usual Suspects Cheese is the fabric of many wonderful Italian dishes, and we are all familiar with the two most popular: Parmesan and Ricotta. We all know the Parmesan is wonderful grated over pasta dishes, pizza, or asparagus – there’s a reason it’s known as the King of Cheese. This reliable staple takes on new life when flakes are added to a zesty ...
Article – Christmas Lights – More Than Just for Chirstmas
I know, I know….it’s not even Thanksgiving yet and here I am already writing about Christmas. But since many of the craft stores are already filled to the brim with decorations, trees & other yule-tide trimmings, I might as well start talking about holiday stuff. Today, I’’ be taking a look at the one most important, and often overlooked, item in the Christmas decoration arsenal: Christmas lights. Christmas lights have a wide variety of uses. While they look great one a tree and out in a yard, there is so much more you can do with them year round. When I was a kid, my dad would put string lights up around the kitchen cabinets & counter. We’d turn them on at night to eat dinner, or leave them on as a nightlight in case someone got up in the middle of the night. I also used to use a candle stick light as a nightlight in my room. Even now, I find uses around the house for them. I have a string of C9 multi-colored lights that I use from time to time in the bed room. I ...
Guest Article – Discover More of the UK
As exciting as it may be to travel abroad on holiday, most Brits have only experienced a very limited amount of their own country. The UK draws in tourists from around the world each year due to it’s rich historical and cultural atmosphere, and the amount there is on offer for people of all ages. Residents largely overlook all the fantastic scenery and entertainment that is right on their doorstep, and taking a holiday in the UK is a great way to rediscover what a wonderful country you live in. The UK is geographically varied, and being an island has many different terrains making it a great place to take a walk and explore. The coastline which frames the UK may not benefit from a Mediterranean climate, but the from the cliffs to the sandy shore the scenery is beautiful. You can discover some of the UK’s wonderful seaside at one of the holiday camps in the UK on the coast. At the moment you can win a trip online with Cushelle UK so there is no reason not to discover a little more of ...