Protecting our families starts with keeping our homes protected. We seem to take precautions in so many other areas of our lives but our homes should be one of our main focuses in safety. When a home is invaded we lose our peace of mind and security. Adding some security to a home does not have to be expensive and many security measures can be put into place easily by the home owner. Here are a few tips to improve your home security. 1. Install a home security system. Home security systems are a great way to keep any home safe. There are so many different types of systems available that will not cost customers an arm and a leg. These systems will sound off an alarm if someone is trying to forcefully enter the home. Families should shop around for the right system. The Covington ADT system may work for some families while another type of system might be right for another family. 2. Display Signs Simply displaying a home security sign in the front yard or the window of your ...
Guest Article – Seven Date Night Ideas for Families with Kids
As much as parents love and adore their kids, it is important that parents keep the romance alive and spend time alone, even if only for a few hours. Families with children, especially first-time parents, can find they have little time, energy, or money to spend on a date night out. So, here are seven date night ideas that are casual, fun, and inexpensive: 1. Movie Night In Instead of going out, stay in. Movie theaters can be expensive and crowded, and sometimes the choices available are not worth the high-ticket price. Ask friends or family if they would be willing to take the kids for a couple of hours, and spend some quality time inside of your own home, kicking back on the couch with your loved one. Satellite TV and Internet provide you with plenty of movie choices, and for a few hours you can relax with your spouse. 2. Look at the Stars Whether it’s on the roof of your own house or from a mountaintop, looking at the stars with your spouse is a great date night option. ...
Guest Article – A Cure for Summer Boredom: Activities the Entire Family can Enjoy
Everyone gets excited about the start of summer time! However, now the question on many parents’ minds is “what do I do to keep the kids entertained?” Instead of going stir crazy this summer have recreational activities in mind so that the kids will never get bored. Get rid of boredom before it even begins by having a plan. If you have planned out several games and activities that the entire family can enjoy this will make the summer even more entertaining. Don’t get bored because the word bored does not exist during the summer! Here are several ideas to keep you busy having fun all summer long. Create Your Own Video A great way to get the kids to interact and story tell is by helping them create their very own video. Write a script for them or have them come up with their own story. Then once the script is ready have them rehearse, pick out costumes, and put it on in your house for friends and family members. You can also record it and play it back so they can see how hard they ...
Guest Article – Financial Success: Ways to Reach Your Financial Goals
Are you smart about money? If you’re struggling and are having a hard time with your money you’re not alone. Many people don’t understand what it takes to be financially savvy. Just like any bad habit, there are steps that must be taken to pave the way to financial success. Instead of feeling discouraged that your situation can’t get better come up with a plan to reach your financial goals. Why do you Make Certain Financial Decisions If you tend to spend a lot of money on frivolous items that you don’t need, why is that? The key to fixing your negative spending habits is to figure out why you are making these types of decisions. Ask yourself what you value the most and if you are an emotional spender figure out ways to manage your stress other than spending money. Once you discover the reason behind your negative financial decisions you’ll be one step closer to reaching your goals. Start Getting Organized One of the first steps you can take to achieving a financial fit ...
Article – Tips on Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
In order to have a good, productive day, you need a good night’s sleep. Being rested became all the more important for me since having a child…especially now that my daughter is four and a little bundle of never-ending energy. I have suffered from insomnia for years, and it got worse right after my daughter was born. My doctor gave me sleeping pills, but they only helped so much. The hardest part for me is being able to relax long enough for the pills to kick in. I spent hours tossing and turning trying to get comfortable. This not only kept me up, but my husband as well. Eventually, I decided to change up the bed a bit to make it more comfortable for me. The first thing I did was get a pillow. At the time, the pillow I was using wasn’t all that good. It was an inexpensive one from the store. I had gotten a set of down pillows for Christmas the year before, but hadn’t used them yet. I tried one out on the couch one day while watching television and liked it. I bought an allergy ...
Article – Info You Should Never Put Online
Technology is advancing forward at a super-fast rate. Back when I was a kid, my 1986 Talking Computron is considered high tech & cell phones were bigger than most rotary phones (think of the phone Zack Morris ran around with on Saved by the Bell). These days almost everything is digital and cats rule supreme on the Internet. It’s so common place to post selfies & current locations on sites like Facebook and Twitter that people forget that there are dangers of sharing too much personal info on the Internet. First, don’t give out or post passwords or other very sensitive info. Companies are not going to send you an email asking for your password to a certain account. If you get an email like that, immediately report it as a phishing scam. Other scams include anyone emailing you ‘in good confidence’ about moving money overseas & asking for your bank account, that $1000 Walmart gift card you won & can't receive it until you give them your social security number, and any ...