For today’s online business everything is expected of you. People would like to see an amazing website, receive responses from excellent customer service, interact with your company on your social media sites, and read over content on your blog that will in return help their business. So many companies agree that with so many tasks to keep track of, how is one supposed to run their actual business? Prioritizing is one way you can keep track of what is most important, and then there’s hiring professionals to help you with your web design and development, for example. Decide what is most important to you and think about what you would like to start on first. The rest will fall into place with the help of professionals and online tips from sites you trust. Compelling Content on Your Blog Blog writing is a good place to start, especially if your online business is relatively new. You can easily have your web designer add a blog to your site, especially if you have a Wordpress site. ...
Guest Article – Smart Ways to Improve Your Health
The word “health” is such a broad word jam packed with so much meaning, don’t you think? Many people take their health lightly now days, but they shouldn’t be. In a world where obesity is becoming more common, diabetes is becoming a more life threatening illness and people are going deaf due to not properly taking care of their ear drums, something must be done. Of course not everything can be fixed all at once, but if you care about your health enough to do something about it, then perhaps this article can be your wake up call. The following tips should encourage you to take precautions now while you’re young and if you’re not so young any more, it’s never too late to take action starting now as well. Take Care of Your Hearing Your hearing is precious, which is why it’s very important that you take care of your ears. Start by using ear plugs or ear muffs when you are operating noisy yard tools such as snow blowers or leaf blowers. The same goes when you are vacuuming. Next time ...
Keep Momming
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Shire. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. The relationship that exists between mothers and daughters is unlike any other. It has many unique moments, memories, and yes, even challenges along the way. The relationship dynamic can be even trickier when your daughter is in those tween-age years. What can be even more difficult is when some people dismiss certain behaviors as “typical tween girl behavior” when those behaviors can be symptoms of something more serious. Research suggests that girls are more likely than boys to report having mostly inattentive Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms. Since inattentive symptoms can be less noticeable than hyperactive and impulsive symptoms, it is important that moms know what to look for. I’m proud to be joining forces with Shire, CHADD and Holly Robinson Peete to announce the launch of keep momming, a new public service ...
Guest Article – Six Money Saving Ideas for New Parents
Although a new addition to the family brings absolute joy, it also brings an onset of new expenses. Now that you have diapers and formula to pay for, some of the other luxuries you allowed yourself are too expensive for the budget. And even though you feel as though you have cut back everywhere you can, the expenses continue to pile up. Here are six money strategies that can help to reduce the financial strain: 1. Utilities One of the biggest expenses families face is the cost of the utility bill. Now that you have a new addition to the family, you are expending more energy—in yourself and in your house. Look to reduce energy costs by finding a less expensive power provider. Look to a new company that can provide you with a less expensive bill yet still manages to cover your entire home and business electricity needs. Be quick to turn off all lights, appliances, or fans that are not being used, as that can save you hundreds on your electric bill each year. Likewise, since a ...
Guest Article – A Single Mother’s Guide to Surviving the First Year
If you’re a first-time mom and a single mom on top of that, you’ll encounter some unique challenges that it’s good to prepare for. Many couples find it difficult to survive their first year of parenthood, so doing it on your own will offer certain challenges that may be even more difficult to overcome. You may be overwhelmed, but it is possible to survive and even enjoy your first year of single motherhood. Many women have gone before you who have done the same. Here are a few tips from them to help make it easier. Loans Medical bills and general life expenses can feel overwhelming. Even if you get maternity leave after the baby is born, many companies only offer the minimum amount the government gives for maternity leave, and this often isn’t enough to live off of. You may find yourself needing extra cash to cover unforeseen medical expenses, the purchase of a new vehicle or necessary equipment to keep your baby safe, or money to cover general expenses while you take time off work ...
Give Some #BouqLove with The Bouqs
There are lots of occasions when flower bouquets are need. Aside from the typical occasion, like weddings, they can be very nice decorations for holidays. The quickest way to order flowers is online, but that can sometimes lead to irritation. Most of the time, the flowers are all stored on trucks if it’s a holiday and the flowers can be in bad shape by the time they arrive. We had that happen one time on Mother’s Day. My dad ordered flowers for my grandmother and they arrived at her door half dead. But now there is a great new alternative. You can order from The Bouqs. The Bouqs has been seen on seen on Shark Tank, O! Oprah Magazine, Forbes, E!, The Today Show, and Popsugar. They own their own farm and grow their flowers in rich soil from an active volcano. Since you are ordering directly from them, there is no middle man, which means you flowers will arrive faster and in great condition. Plus, this saves you a lot of money. Unlike other flower companies, The Bouqs chargers a $40 ...