When it comes to spending some quality time with the family, few things provide as much enjoyment and satisfaction as a camping trip. From pitching a tent to building a fire, let your children benefit from some invaluable life lessons that this type of getaway affords. At the same time, the little scamps will also be able to appreciate the great outdoors and participate in a number of fun activities such as wildlife spotting, hiking through the forest and paddling in a canoe. But to make the most of a family camping trip, here are a few tips on how to prepare and what you will need to bring. Know before you go By asking yourself the following questions, you will be much more prepared for your camping trip and less likely to forget any essential items either. Location - Are you going to stay in a secluded forest or at a dedicated campsite with plenty of facilities? Weather - What does the forecast say? Is it going to rain or be sunny? How cold ...
Keeping Your Pooch Happy While You are Away
Being away from your pet for long periods of time can be challenging. You know that your pet misses you, and you more than likely miss and worry about your dog's well-being while you are away. When you want to know that your pooch is well cared for during your absence, you may find the idea of entrusting his care and protection to people who are trained and licensed to look after and entertain dogs for short periods of time. By checking into services like those found at a doggie day care Michigan pet parents like you may find that you can travel away from home without worrying that your pet is left alone or being neglected. When you take your dog to one of these facilities, you may wonder what kind of enrichment and entertainment awaits him. The facility typically will make available fun like like a canine playground where your pet can climb and play on steps, tunnels, and other equipment that is designed for canine use and enjoyment. Likewise, the dogs at the facility will be ...
Get Involved in the #GlamuletPinkOctober Campaign
Did you know that breast cancer is the 2nd deadliest cause of death for women around the world? More than likely, you know someone who has breast cancer or has survived it. I know several people who are survivors. While treatments are better now with a higher survival rate, the diagnosis rate is still very high. For this year alone, it is estimated that 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed & that 40,290 women will die from breast cancer.* In order to help spread awareness and donate to organizations that research & fight breast cancer, October is nationally known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month…or Pink October. One of the many businesses that is holding a fundraiser is Glamulet. If you are not familiar with them, they are jewelry company started in 2014 that offers women affordable jewelry that is fashionable and trendy. They create beautiful charms and bracelets that can be mixed & matched to create a unique bracelet. They have a large line ...
Preparing for a Divorce
Like any legal situation, coming through a divorce unscathed requires planning. This may seem calculating, but it will save you from the regret of handling matters while emotions are running high. It may also help to redirect your mind and get you through the legal part so you can be free to grieve later. Protecting Yourself The legal details should still be worked out by a lawyer or mediator, but there are some financial matters that will help you personally before, during and after the process. 1. Learn the property division laws for your state. Some states require an equal division of all financial assets, and others leave it to the discretion of the courts or the skill of the attorneys. 2. Make an inventory of all assets. There may be some things that seem insignificant to your or your ex now, but you'll regret giving up later. Use this inventory as a basis for negotiating a division of assets that's as close to equal as possible. 3. Don't hide assets. This is not only ...
Safety First – 4 Tips to Safely Hang Christmas Lights
Between 2007 and 2011, American fire fighters reported 230 fires per year ignited by Christmas trees, and 150 fires per year by Christmas lights using line voltage (as opposed to low-voltage ones such as LEDs). While preparing for Christmas should be a joyous time, you still need to make sure you take precautions when hanging your Christmas lights. 1. Indoor versus Outdoor Light Placement Only use lights as intended. Don’t try to hang indoor lights outside because they are not made to withstand the elements. On the same note, ensure power strips and extension cords are designed for outdoors if you plan on using them there. Since water can get into outside sockets, it’s important to take precautions against shorting out the lights or getting shocked. Furthermore, if you are hanging the lights inside, make sure you don’t hang lights on a metal tree. Doing so could cause an electrical fire. 2. Check for Damaged Lights Although Christmas lights look pretty, they are still live ...
What You’ll Realize After You Radically Simplify Your Life
Most people can not stand to NOT check their cell phone every minute, and even resort to keeping it on the table near them during meal times. Others may be spending too much time with a toxic friend; not even realizing that this friend is draining all of their energy and taking away from should truly matter in life. The truth is there are many things that can zap your energy and add to your physical and mental clutter. As opposed to adding to life's complexities, you should strive to rid your life of people, things, and situations that contribute to stress. Your goal should be simple: to fill your life with what actually matters and focus on those things. In other words, you should be living a more meaningful life, which you can achieve by making life simpler. This will especially come in handy when visiting a health and rehab center. You’ll be living a simplified life that’ll make recovery and your health the focal point in your life. 1. Distractions (also known as "noise") can ...