Due to regulations issued in 1996, Mecca children's hooded jackets w/ drawstrings have been recalled. The recall includes the following sizes: The drawstrings can pose a strangulation hazard. The drawstrings should be removed from the garment imediatly, or the garment can be returned for a refund. Recall Info ...
Recall — Gund Baby Paperboard Books
This recall involves three miniature children's paperboard books with plastic handles designed as baby rattles. The items are "Animals" (item number 059174), "Numbers" (item number 059175) and "Colors" (item number 059176). They also came as a set of three, item number 059173. The item number is easy to locate on the back of the book. http://babyproducts.about.com/od/recallsandsafety/a/prodrecalls.htm ...
aghhh…so busy
The past several days have been extremely hectic. I've been 'bird sitting' for my parents while they were gone for the weekend. Their bird, Paco, is a cocktail and can talk up a storm. Hannah was not amused...and she has been very vocal about it. We've also been working on getting the garden going in hops of saving some money at the grocery store. I also got the other flower bed finished. The bad thing is, that bed is within easy reach of the brat kinds next door. So far they have left it alone and have behaved themselves. We'll see what happens once school lets out. ...
Called the Cops on the Brats Next Door
I finally had to call the police about the kids next door. They are getting their school friends to come over and throw stuff at the house now. Tuesday they threw a baseball at the picture window...while I was sitting in front of it feeding Hannah. Thankfully they can't throw worth crap and it ended up on the roof. I called the police station and talked to one of the officers who I'm friends with. In fact, I don't think there's too many cops here that I don't know. Anyway, he said there isn't a whole lot I can do till they do some sort of damage. I can file a no trespass now on the two next door and maybe they will cough up the names of their friends. He also told me that there is a urination ordnance here, so they will get fined if I catch them peeing again. They will also get indecent exposure if I happen to see their bits as well. So, now, it's just the waiting game. They didn't do anything yesterday, so I'll have to see what happens today. ...
Happy Easter!
The last few days have been hectic. Hannah still isn't feeling good. She's been spitting up a lot due to one of the shots, thus making her extremely moody. Jason hasn't felt well either. My mother-in-law, Sandy, tried calling my cell earlier, but I didn't;t have it with me. I'm sure she's going to bitch about me not taking Hannah out to the Easter lunch at Jason's grandparent's house. I would have gone, but with Hannah not feeling good I didn't want to. Plus, it's too many people crammed into a small house. Also, I'm still pissed as hell at Sandy coming over and getting Hannah upset right before she went to the doctor last week.My original plan was to have my mom come over and spend part of the day with us being that my dad is out of town. But she decided to wait until my dad gets back tonight to come over...which will have them over here when Jason is supposed to get off work. ...
I just realized…
The kids next door were never sent over to apologize or give an explanation as to why they constantly act like assholes. It shouldn't surprise me though. They were never sent over to clean up the silly string they sprayed in the backyard, and Tobi ate a good bit of it. We're lucky he didn't get sick from it.They were allowed outside for the first time in over a week and, aside from being super loud, managed to behave themselves. I'll just have to wait and see how long that lasts. ...