I finally had to call the police about the kids next door. They are getting their school friends to come over and throw stuff at the house now. Tuesday they threw a baseball at the picture window…while I was sitting in front of it feeding Hannah. Thankfully they can’t throw worth crap and it ended up on the roof.
I called the police station and talked to one of the officers who I’m friends with. In fact, I don’t think there’s too many cops here that I don’t know. Anyway, he said there isn’t a whole lot I can do till they do some sort of damage. I can file a no trespass now on the two next door and maybe they will cough up the names of their friends. He also told me that there is a urination ordnance here, so they will get fined if I catch them peeing again. They will also get indecent exposure if I happen to see their bits as well.
So, now, it’s just the waiting game. They didn’t do anything yesterday, so I’ll have to see what happens today.
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