I just finished my first workout of the INSANITY 60 Day program. I'm suprised at the dificulty of the workouts, and this was only the fit test. Yet, I suprised myself at how well I did being that I am so out of shape. I did a lot better than I expected...even thougth there were a few I couldn't do many reps of. I'm looking forward to the coming workouts and seeing how much I improve at the next fit test.I don't recomend this for the casual exerciser. I've done a similar exercise program before several years ago, so I'm confident that I can get through the 60 days. The next fit test is at the start of Week 3, so we'll see how much I improve. If your doing the program and what to be my buddie, here's my profile on TeamBeachBodies.com: http://teambeachbody.com/member/sn/policegirl01Before Pic:Egads....that is a really bad picture. I swear to God I used to have nice looking abs..not the blob you see now.# of Fit Test Reps:Switch Kicks - 27Power Jacks - 31Power Knees - 43Power Jumps ...
uneventful day so far…
Hannah has been fussy since she woke up this morning. It's getting hard to get her to take naps during the day because she wants to be awake. That only makes her moods worse sometimes. My in-laws showed up yesterday evening without calling...again. We had just gotten Hannah to doze off and were just sitting down to eat dinner. Jessica, Jason's little sister, barreled in and started yelling...thus waking her up. Both Sandy and Mike tried to calm her down, but Hannah was having none of it. She stopped crying as so as I held her and eventually went to sleep. Sandy brought more used baby clothes and 2 chair things. The chair things I can use, but I'm not about to use the clothes. I keep telling her I don't need any more clothes. I know she's only doing it so she can complain to people that she spends all this money on clothes and I don't use them. I'd use them if they weren't nasty, tore up stuff from yardsales.My parents also came over last night and Hannah was extremely happy ...
another hot day…
It's already well over 90 degrees, and Hannah's grumpy. I'll be glad once we start getting more windows replaced so it won't be so hot & humid in here. I'm thining about sending Jason to the store to get one of the little kiddy pools so Hannah can play in the water later once it cools off outside a little. Mom and dad got their pool cleaned so we may go over there tomorrow for a bit. I still need to get out to Old Navy to see if they have any more bathing suits for her. The one I picked up if for 6 to 9 months, so she won't be able to wear for a while yet. I check at JC Penny, but the sizes are all weird.I'm trying to come up with a better summary for the blog, but nothing sounds right. Anyone got any ideas?? ...
Product Review: VentAire 6oz. Bottles
My mother-in-law picked up two of these for me. The VentAire bottles are supposed to keep your baby from having gas, colic, and spit-up issues by venting out the air while he/she drinks. To achieve this, they have an angled bottle and a two piece bottom with air holes and seal. I've always heard good reviews about these bottles so I was eager to use them. However, they had some problems. First of all, they leak...a lot, and for no apparent reason. At first I though I either forgot the seal at the bottom or didn't have the top/bottom screwed on all the way. As it turns out, no matter how tight you have everything screwed on, formula still manages to leak out around the nipple and the holes at the bottom. It's especially bad while shaking the bottle. I lost count of how may times I found formula splatter on the blinds and wall...and that's with the protective cap on over the nipple. Second, there are no latex nipples available for these bottles that I could find. Only the ...
layout change
I'm thinking about messing around with the layout again being that the page keeps loading funny for me.I changed the layout again, being that the old one was loading kind of funny for me. This one may be tempoary...I'm not sure.Also, if anyone is intersting in making a main banner or some link banners for the blog, let me know. I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and make any. ...
shots and fever
Hannah got her second round of shots on Tuesday. She ran a fever that night and all of the next day. She was mostly back to normal yesterday, but she been a bit grumpy. She fussed almost the entire time my parents were over to see her.The doctor said that she is doing great and we don't need to add the extra power in her formula anymore. We can also start her on rice cereal now. Hannah's not overly fond of the taste, but she is eating it with a spoon...at least until her paticence wears out which is about 10 bites. I just mix whatevers left in with her bottle. She can start some baby food next month as well. ...