Solo: A Star Wars Story follows the journey of a young Han Solo as he begins to be a smuggler. Along the way he meets Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian, and flies the Millennium Falcon for the first time. It’s a story of adventure, love, and betrayal.
There was a lot of hate for this movie, and I honestly don’t see why. It was a decent film. Granted, it wasn’t on the level of Rogue One…and backstory for Han really wasn’t needed. But it still didn’t deserve the amount of negativity it received. Donald Glover knocked it out of the park as Lando, and it was a huge treat to see Darth Maul.
For me, the only issue was trying to figure out how old Han was through the movie. The plot covers about three years of his life, and it never actually says how old he was. I had to look it up while watching, and according to official Star Wars sites he is 19 at the beginning of the move and 22 after the time jump.
Overall, it wasn’t a bad movie. It was entertaining and enjoyable. I really hope that if they do decide to do more side story movies, they go with Obi Wan, Darth Maul, or Boba Fett. Solo is available now on Blu-Ray, DVD, and Digital.
I received the above mentioned product for free to help facilitate my review. All opinions are 100% my own.
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