Redshift Rendezvous is a science fiction novel by John E. Stith. The Redshift is a technologically advanced vessel capable of traversing the layers of hyperspace. A routine transport becomes derailed after a passenger is found dead and the ship is taken over by hijackers. The hijackers plan to use the ship to steal the wealth of a colony that’s location is only known to a few. Will the crew be able to stop them?
The premise was very interesting and the book delivered lots of suspense and action. The characters were well developed and interesting, especially the main character Jason. His background made him a very sympathetic character…and a little intense at times. I would definitely be interested in reading a follow up story about him. The world building was also well done. You got lots of detail without it taking up entire chapters. There were a few spots in the plot that were a bit predictable, but there were more than enough twists to keep it interesting. The twist about the secret colony was very good.
There is a lot of science talk though. It was unavoidable being how big of a role the ship played into the storyline, so you had to have an understating of how everything worked. Unfortunately, it was heavy enough in a few parts that it bogged the story down a bit. Some of it was very confusing and I had a hard time keeping up with it. But once it got past the explanations, the story picked back up again.
Overall, it was a good book and I enjoyed it. It did have a few parts with some heavy science, but the plot moved past them quickly. The book is available on both Amazon and Goodreads, and you can keep up with Mr. Stith at his website.
I received the above mentioned book for free for a review. All opinions are 100% my own.
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