Keeping household items in top condition is just one of the many tasks faced by renters and owners every single day. Area rugs and Oriental rugs can be particular challenges simply because of their location on the floor. Rugs are subject to spills, shoes, pets, and just about any other potential hazard that a home can throw at it. After all, gravity tends to bring just about everything to the floor where the rug endures. Getting a rug professionally cleaned can improve the appearance and odor of the rug, but knowing how to choose a professional carpet cleaner can be a little confusing. Luckily, there are few tips to help simplify the process.
Free Estimates
The hallmark of any service related company is the free estimate. Being able to make a phone call, snap a picture, or even take a rug in for a free quote with no attached obligation is a huge asset to potential customers. Cleaning companies like Green Choice Carpet Cleaning of NJ and others offer up the free quote service so that anyone considering a purchase can have an idea of what to expect.
Free Tips
Professional service providers that share their knowledge via a website, brochure, or even YouTube channel are essentially providing their expertise for free. Companies that offer up free tips and advice standout in a crowded field because they are going the extra mile to attract customers and help consumers out just a bit. Tips and advice when it comes to carpet and rug cleaning can open the eyes of any owner to ideas and concepts that are not necessarily obvious or common knowledge, which can save money on care in the long run.
Ability to Explain the Process
Few things are as frustrating as a company that can not explain what they actual do. In the professional cleaning industry, businesses should be able to provide a step-by-step analysis and explanation of the precise process that will be used to get that stain out the rug. In addition, chemicals and cleaning solutions should be listed in plain view to avoid any type of confusion with regards to customer specifications.
In the end, choosing a professional carpet cleaning company is a matter of getting a free estimate, listening to some tips, and having the process carefully explain. Rugs can represent a substantial investment, and owners that provide proper care can expect to enjoy the rug for decades to come.
Ever since we got our beautiful oriental rug, our living room looks so much better! However, cleaning it myself has been a bit of a hassle! I really appreciated your advice in finding a good cleaner, I’ll be sure to find a company that can give me a free estimate! Thanks for the help!
I just bought an expensive and fancy rug for my front room but I’m pretty worried about it getting dirty. I thought I might as well research professional rug cleaners before anything major happens. Thanks for these tips to consider when hiring rug cleaners. I will definitely look for a company who offers free estimates and who can explain their step by step cleaning process clearly.
Hi Angela, love the post, completely agree that when you’re hiring a rug or carpet cleaner, they should be professional and explain exactly what you’re getting. Especially with a little one around you’ve got enough to worry about without having to keep an eye on the house too! Great post!
Hey, great share……
I completely agree that properly cleaned and maintained carpet will last twice as long. Despite our best efforts at cleanliness, our carpet will eventually become the victim of drops, spills, accidents, and whatever’s on the bottom of your shoes and it is extremely difficult to clean your rug on your own. I am surely going to keep all the things in my mind before hiring a professional rug cleaner.
Thanks for sharing this post. Keep sharing more…
I liked when you said that professional carpet cleaning companies should give you advice. I can see that remembering this can help you find someone you can trust in and who knows how to help you. It makes sense that consulting with several companies can help you compare services and prices in order to choose the best deal.
Great blog Angela Rogers. It looks really professional and genuine advice.
Thanks for sharing.
My area rug is extremely dirty; I’ve been thinking about having a cleaning service take care of it. Honestly, I didn’t even think of looking for companies that offer free maintenance tips after my rug is cleaned. It would be nice to continue to keep it nice after it has been cleaned. That is something that I will pay attention to. Thanks for the advice!
Doing research on potential carpet cleaners can help assure you get the best one for you. Great things to consider! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the tips. My rags are so filthy.
Thanks for the tips. I need it right now as my rags are so dirty. I have to clean it before my parents stay over for hollidays.