Are you finding that your bills are becoming more and more expensive? Don’t you miss the days where you were young and carefree where your only issue was having to learn how to tie your shoes and keep your room clean? Now, we have monthly bills and if we do not pay them then we lose something we want or need because of it. I want to talk about how to reduce your bills without doing anything too difficult or sacrificing too much.
If you notice that your energy bills are increasing, you may want to find the source before they become out of control and too high to deal with! Call your local HVAC company – your heating system could be having trouble and might be working too hard and overcompensating to try and keep your home warm, thus raising the energy bill significantly higher than usual. You may need some repairs done or you may need to replace your heating system entirely. When you meet with the professionals, ask them about a regular maintenance plan. You should see your energy bills lower and stay pretty consistent after that. If your heating system is not the problem, you may have some issues with your insulation.
If you do not already have a programmable thermostat, you should look into getting one! These allow you to set the thermostat to a specific temperature while you are out of the home and set it back to what you are comfortable with right before you come home. Some thermostats are “smart thermostats” and have a corresponding app that allows you to set your temperature from your phone or tablet! It can even learn your schedule and do everything for you.
Some other small things you can do is use cold water when using your washing machine, give up cable and subscribe to Amazon Prime (unlimited access to a wide variety of movies and TV shows) or Netflix instead, cook more meals at home, etc. There are many ways to lower your bills! If you are feeling especially brave or strapped for cash, you can even downgrade to a flip phone (if you can find one). Switching from a smart phone to a basic phone usually saves you $20-$30 or more per month. What tips do you have for lowering the costs of your bills?
[…] are many ways to save money and reduce the balance on most of your bills. For example, you really should get your HVAC system checked out by the […]