Okay, I know…it sounds like a really bad movie, but the stomach bug has been bad! my daughter got it first at the start of last week. She was fine when she went to bed, and when she woke up in the morning she started throwing up. It wasn’t a lot at first. She tried to eat a little and went back to sleep for about two hours. She was fine when she got back up but after going in to use the bathroom, she started throwing up again. So, I called her doctor. We ended up having to wait until afternoon to get her in, and all they said to do was make sure she drank lotsof water and have her eat the BRAT diet for a day to two.
She was mostly better by the end of the next day, so I figured that was it. Flash forward a to Sunday (25th). We finally got the kitchen pipe unclogged, my husband had made a wonderful steak dinner, and our daughter was in bed sound asleep. It was about 11:15 pm and we were getting ready to get settled into bed. My stomach had been bothering me a little so I had gone in to lay down and read. After a few minutes I called my husband in (who had been at his computer, and had him bring me in something to throw up in.
Thus started almost 8 hours of throwing up every 20 minutes or so. I have never in my life throw up that bad before. After three hours, my husband went up to the store (at 2:30 in the morning!) to get some crackers, soup & Ginger Ale. The only think that really seemed to help a little was the Ginger Ale, but even then I didn’t stop throwing up until sometime after 7 am. I eventually dozed off for a little bit but my stomach was bothering me to much to sleep for any length of time. I stayed up the rest of the day and was able to sleep that night.
I felt better the following day, but I was still getting very nauseous every time I moved around a lot. Today was the first day I felt relatively okay. I’m hoping that my husband doesn’t get it now.
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