There are many things that make your life ‘The Good Life.’ It can be your family & friends, places that you visit…anything that makes you happy. Yet, to get to the ‘Good Life’, we go through challenges to get there. The challenges can be anything and may be daunting, but they help you appreciate all that you have.
In October of 2007, my husband and I had been married for about six months. We both worked conflicting hours and rarely got to see each other, but made sure to make what time we had special. At the time, we were able to get our vacation weeks to line up and were planning on going camping for a few days over the weekend, then get some much needed work done on the house. It was my day off, a Wednesday, and I had been out picking up food and camping supplies for our outing that would be in a few days.
I was just a few blocks away from my house when a teenager, who was pulling out of a parking lot, plowed into me head on. To make a long story short, my car was totaled out and I pinched several nerves in my neck and back. Since I was hurt, I was unable to work and I lost my job. Without a steady paycheck coming in, I wasn’t able to get a replacement car or afford the medical treatment that I needed. I was in a great deal of pain on a daily basis and it took well over a year & a half before I was back at a hundred percent. Our money was tight, and there were many nights where we were eating ramen noodles for dinner. For most newlywed couples, this would be a huge blow to their marriage. But we took one day at a time and saw our way through it. In fact, if it weren’t for me losing my job and being home, we probably would have never had our first child. Another plus side to the accident was that I could not feel my labor pains at all…and I know there are millions of women out there that could use that. See, there is a silver lining to everything. We live the ‘Good Life’, with all of it’s ups and downs.
And to help through those ups and downs, there’s Allstate. Allstate is there to help you recover from accidents and disasters, so that it gives you one less thing to worry about and get you back on track to the ‘Good Life.’ You can get more info about the Allstate Good Life at their website.
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