A few weeks back, I was sent a ToeJuice/Hogwash combo pack. Toe Juice is a nifty little liquid that can be used to treat anything dealing with your skin…and I mean anything. Hogwash is a hand sanitizer. Both utilize dermavine, a blend of plant based extracts that enhance the skins natural repairing ability. Now, this all sounds like one of those ‘too good to be true’ type things. There are tons of stories out there where people have use Toe Juice to get rid of warts, dry skin and even bug bites. However, my husband and I decided to put it through our own tests.
My husband has horrible calluses on his fingers and hands that have built up from over 15 years of moving freight & pallets, breaking down boxes, and everything else they throw at him at Walmart. He’s tried for years to get rid of them, and has had little to no success. After reading up on Toe Juice, he bought a pack of those flat cotton pads that can be used for make-up. He soaked the cotton pads with the Toe Juice, and then wrapped it around his fingers. After letting them soak for a while, he’d remove the pads and then use my PediSpin to smooth out any rough skin. After a few days of doing this, he didn’t even need the PediSpin anymore. After a few weeks, the calluses are nearly gone.
Ever since I was little, I get little water blisters/bumps on my fingers. We aren’t really sure what causes it, but we think it has something to do with all the Agent Orange my grandpa was exposed to during WWII. He would get the blisters so bad that they spread up his arms & be very painful. My mom gets them on her fingers from time to time like I do. The only thing that would get rid of them is zinc oxide, and even then it would take several days for that to be effective. These days, you can’t readily get zinc oxide (unless you want to slather Desitin all over your fingers), so the large jar of it that we have is from the 1950s. I decided to try the Toe Juice to see if it would be a better method of getting rid of them. I treated one finger with Toe Juice and another with the zinc oxide. The one treated with the Toe Juice was cleared up in less than thirty minutes. I think we can tell the overall winner here.
Oh….and the Hogwash was great too. It didn’t have a chemical smell to it and seemed to work very well. But, we were more caught up with the Toe Juice for obvious reasons.
Overall, Toe Juice certainly lives up to it’s hype and then some. I’ve been using it on my feet the past few days and have already seen remarkable improvement in my calluses. I may try it on my acne next. Toe Juice is available online and in most stores, including Walmart. Its $15 for a 4.6 fl oz bottle on the Toe Juice website, and the price is going to differ a bit depending on where you get it. The combo pack I received is on sale for $25. You can get more info on their website, as well as Facebook and Twitter.
I was sent to above mentioned product for free from Toe Juice to help facilitate my review.
The Giveaway
One lucky winner is going to get their own Toe Juce Combo Pack! To enter, leave a comment below telling me what you think about Toe Juice. Once you do that, you can complete all the extra entires on the Rafflecopter form. The contest is open to US and Canada residents, and ends Spetember 30 @ midnight EST.
It sounds great! I have a wart on my hand that I can’t get to go away… the name drew me in and I was interested in learning about this product! Great review!
My husband was exposed to Agent Orange and gets blisters, I had no idea zinc was a way to get rid of them. It sounds like this new product with dermavine is even more effective, I am really going to have to check it out and tell my husband about it.
I have to admit, the name was not appealing, but after reading your review, this stuff sounds amazing!! I’d love to know how it worked on acne 🙂
i would have to agree with the comment above^^ the name is not at all appealing:P but i have seen many reviews on this product and after all the reviews im interested in trying it and seeing what its like!
Its a funny name but it does lead me to believe that it will work. Dont know why.
Makes me want to try
sounds weird and interesting, but definitely something my toes need/may need in future
I do not know but I would like to use it to win it! 🙂
I think it sounds great! Seems like it helps heal a lot of different conditions…even cold sores!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com