As your kids get older, you might realize that the amount of things in your home grows alongside with them. After a certain amount of time, you might be thinking about getting a storage unit to store those extraneous belongings. Here are a few small tips in using a storage unit.
Get rid of bulky items! That small table that doesn’t seem to fit in with the rest of your furniture? That treadmill that you use to hang your clothes on? If you’re not using them, they shouldn’t be in your home. Stow them away in your storage. Keep them there until you’re actually ready to use that treadmill, or if you plan on selling it!
Hide the gifts! If your kids are sneaky, which is probably a given, they might already know their gift’s hiding locations. Kids will never look in your storage unit! If you’re planning a surprise party, hide the favors in the storage unit so your kids won’t catch on. Also, although it’s May, it’s never too early to stow away gifts for Christmas too!
Find a storage unit! If you were thinking of renting out a storage unit, think about using SpareFoot. SpareFoot lists storage facilities by price and location so that you can find the perfect one for you!
Do you have any other tips in using storage? Share them through the comments!
Joseph Ver is part of the SpareFoot marketing team. SpareFoot storage finder makes finding a storage unit easy!
I run a storage unit in London, UK and we are finding people do not want to simply throw away things they love or are valuable and cannot part with them either. Storage can help you with this especially if your ‘spare’ room has just become a nursery and your loft/attick is full.