A week ago I received a Handheld Wireless Milk Frother from MatchaDNA to test out and review. The milk frother has a stainless steel shaft & whip, runs on two AA batteries and quickly froths your milk. I was a little surprised when I first got the frother. It was very light and seemed very delicate. I thought that it was going to fall apart either during or after the first use. However, it worked perfectly and I’ve since been having a blast making all sorts of drinks. I’m not even a coffee drink but I’ve been using it to mix up Pumpkin Spice Lattes. They come out really good. In fact, it can be used for thinks other than frothing milk. I have found it to be perfect for giving my hot tea a quick mix after adding sugar. I have also used it for my eggs. You still need to beat the yolks with a fork to break them up, but you can then use the frother to make them fluffier. For cleaning, you can rinse it with warm water and soap. Just don’t get the handle area wet. I’ve been ...
Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness Review & Giveaway [ENDED]
A few days ago, Warner Bros. Sent me an early DVD copy of the newest Scooby-Doo movie, Moon Monster Madness, to watch and review. In this outing, the gang wins a trip to space on board Sly Baron’s new space ship, the Sly Star One. When it breaks down, they are forced to land at Sly’s secret moon base. Will they solve the mystery? I grew up watching the old Scooby cartoons, and have enjoyed some of the new movies, especially the ones from ’98 through 2005 (Witch’s Ghost & Legend of the Vampire are my favorites). I haven’t seen any of the ones that have been put out the past three years though. The movie was cute and my daughter liked it. The animation was excellent, as it usually is with the Scooby-Doo movies. There were a lot of funny parts, and I enjoyed the alien looking similar to one of the Aliens aliens. My husband and I also got a kick out of the introduction to Sly’s brother (reminded us of Phantom Limb & his original ‘Revenge Society’ on The Venture Bros.). I ...
Kitchen Companion: Tips for Keeping Your Stainless Steel Pans Shiny New
Those copper and stainless steel pans look amazing when you first buy them. But, over time, they start to show their age. Why did you buy them? They’re all dingy and old-looking now. Well, this is the natural fate of stainless steel if you don’t take care of it. It doesn’t mean it’s a bad metal to cook with. It means you need to clean and maintain your cookware. Yes, you can easily have sparkling stainless steel once again. Use Barkeeper’s Friend Barkeeper’s friend is a special non-abrasive cleaner that’s ideal for stainless steel and copper-clad pans. Put some into your pan, add some water, and mix the powder together. Use a sponge to clean the interior and exterior. You’re will need a little elbow grease, but it should come clean within a few minutes. Use Vinegar, Flour, and Salt A simple mixture of one part salt, one part flour, and a little vinegar will create a paste that should clean just about any stains in your stainless steel cookware or copper pan. However, be aware that, ...
Product Review – Organic Ceremonial Grade Green Tea Matcha
A few weeks back, I was asked to try out and review Organic Ceremonial Grade Green Tea Matcha from Kiss Me Organics. The ceremonial grade tea has a vibrant green color, slightly sweet flavor and smooth finish. It has 137 times the antioxidants of brewed green tea, and is a mood enhancer. It also helps mental focus. I normally have review like this done a lot quicker, but it got lost in the Christmas shuffle. I also wanted to use the milk frother (review coming shortly) with it as well before I posted my review. I had some shipping issues with the frother, so it knocked it further back. For this tea, you only use a little bit because it is very strong. I used barely a teaspoon the first time, and it was almost too strong for me. I’ve since figured out how much I like. You also want to probably use a small whisk in order to make sure it all mixes into the water. I had the best luck with the frother. I noticed a large taste difference between this and other matcha tea. Since it’s ...
Product Review – Garcinia Cambogia Advanced & Slender Cleanse Advance
A few weeks back, I received a bottle each of Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract & Slender Cleanse Advance from Team Innovations Labs to test out and review. The Garcinia Cambogia burns fat and suppresses appetite, while the Slender Cleanse Advance gently cleanses you system of toxins and build up from the walls of your colon and intestines. I’ve tried another brand of Garcinia Cambogia before and had an unpleasant time of it with horrible stomach cramps. I wasn’t sure is this was going to do anything, but I hoped that maybe the blend would be different from the last. A big issue I ran into was that the directions on the bottle differ from what they tell you on the Amazon page. The bottle tells to take two capsules daily on the Carcina Cambogia, while the site says to take two capsules three times daily. I stuck with what the bottle said. For the Cleanse, you take one capsule thirty minutes before you eat, twice daily. There were no instructions as far as if you take them ...
Coupons – $1.50 Off 1 Perdue Frozen Chicken Product + More
Here is a new list of coupons good for the next few days. They include coupons for Perdue chicken, Robitussin, Eggos, & more. This post contains affiliate links. COUPONS.COM $1.50 off (1) PERDUE FROZEN CHICKEN Product $3.25 off 2 Robitussin adult or children product $1.25 off Robitussin adult or children's product SAVING STAR Save 25¢ when you buy any ONE (1) container of Egg Beaters®..Expires 2/25/2015.Save $0.25. Save 25¢ when you buy any ONE (1) bottle of Wesson® Cooking Oil..Expires 2/25/2015.Save $0.25. Save 25¢ when you buy any ONE (1) 6.5 oz can of Reddi-wip®..Expires 2/25/2015.Save $0.25. Save 20% on any single purchase of loose Cucumbers at participating retailers. See offer info for complete details. Check back every Tuesday for a new Healthy Offer..Expires 2/2/2015.Save 20%. IBOTTA Earn $2.00 when you purchase Boiron® Calendula Cream Earn $2.00 when you purchase Boiron® Single Medicines Earn $3.00 when you purchase Boiron® Arnicare® ...