I was working on doing the laundry today when I noticed that it sounds like there is water running under the house again. From the sound of it, the outflow pipe for the washer broke...which isn't too bad since I've been waiting for an excuse to get Jason to replace it anyway. The current pipe is probably almost as old as the house and is too small for the washer. As a result we end up with more water shooting up and onto the floor than what actually goes down the pipe. Also, the way the pipe is run is off the wall crazy, so that also contributes to the problem. I tried getting a hold of Jason earlier in the day to tell him, but didn't get an answer. I hope they don't have him out there watering plants or running a register. His boss can be such a dick sometimes.We also need to try to work on the rain gutters/overhang some more as well. I don't know when that's going to get finished since Jason never has a day off. ...
quick update
I'm working on adjusting the obscene number of lables I had on here. I've cut them down from 175 to 67. Not bad for an hours worth of work. Hopefully I can wittle it down a little more later.I've got another product review on the way...plus, keep a look out for the Kidswitch giveaway which should be starting soon. ...
the super scary bubble blower
Hannah has been having a blast chasing bubbles around lately, so I though I would get one of those cheap battery powered bubble blowers. I figured she would have fun pressing the button, and I wouldn't be getting too out of breath from blowing on a plastic wand. I found a neat looking one for $3 at WalMart (a.k.a. hell), and she was all excited.Once I got it out of the package, I showed it to her while putting the battery in. I then pressed the button so she could see the little foam fan spin. She started giggling and immediately ran over and got her other bottle of bubbles off the table. Once I got that away from her, I filled up the little dipping tray that can with the blower up and sat down of the floor. Hannah walked over with a big grin on her face and started doing her little happy dance, so I pressed the button on the blower.The bubbles had just started coming out when she let out a scream and took off running across the living room crying. I sat there dumbfounded as ...
weekend plans ruined once again
We had been planing on taking Hannah out to the Four Winds Renaissance Fair tomorrow. Some friends of ours has a Celtic band and is playing out there for the duration of the fair. However, Jason found out yesterday that his boss (store manager) is going to make him work the entire day out in the garden center. He said it's a punishment because Jason still hasn't been able to hire enough people. Jason has, it's just that the boss keeps running everyone off or ends up moving them to another area of the store. It's absolutely ridiculous. He's only had two days off in the last four months. I'm praying that something opens up so that he can transfer out or something. ...
when stoners arrive unexpectedly and offer to rake your leaves…
I discovered today that stoners, or at least the one that wondered up on my doorstep, are eager to work. They are so eager, in fact, that they will graciously do your yard work when it's pouring down rain. I was running around the living room after Hannah and talking on the phone with my mom, when I heard someone knock on the door. I looked out the window and saw some skinny kid, probably about 18 or 19, standing there looking like a drowned rat in his ghetto-chic. I went ahead and cracked the door open, mainly because I didn't want him to think no one was home and attempt to steal my 4Runner.He then regaled me with a unintelligible tale, consisting of slurred works and jerky hand movements, while I eyed my pepper spray and made sure the storm door was locked. The kid was clearly on something. All I could make out was something about a hospital, a family member, and being locked out of some place. He then said that he noticed the rake and the pile of leaves, and would be willing ...
Product Review – Neoteric Diabetic Advanced Healing Cream
I recently had the opportunity to test out Neoteric Diabetic Advanced Healing Cream. The cream is clinically proven to increase circulation and speed skin's healing by strengthening its own natural defenses. I had gestational diabetes during my pregnancy, and between it and the severe allergic reactions I had to medication immediately after the pregnancy, my feet got pretty nasty. The skin around my heels and my toes mounds (I had to look that up here) were yellowed and callused. The skin was also very dry. I used the healing cream for about two weeks. I put on a fair amount about twice a day, and noticed immediate results after the first day. My skin quality drastically improved and started to look normal again. When you use it, you want to put on a pretty good amount, and also make sure you use it several times a day. The more you use it, the better your skin will look and heal. You also don't have to use it just on your feet. I also used it on my elbows and got similar ...