Hannah's car sickness has been steadily getting worse with each trip out, and today was the worst by far. I had to take her to her 15 month check-up and next round of shots. Mom rode with us since Jason had to work. I think we made it about halfway to the office before she started throwing up. She threw up everything in her stomach, then spent the rest of the ride dry heaving. There wasn't anyplace for me to pull over, so I had to continue on to the doctor's while mom tried to get her cleaned up.Once we got to the office, we got her cleaned up and changed. Normally she isn't fussy, but since she was already sick she was quite grumpy. Mom suggested we try turning her seat around, which both me and the doctor said no. She needs to stay facing the back until she's at least two. Her doctor suggested that we give her Children's Benadryl Liquid about 30 minutes or so before we leave somewhere. She said it should work, but if it doesn't then we'll have to try a prescription.I'm ...
Hannah’s new…’talent’
Hannah seems to have discovered at new skill...one that is funny yet slightly disturbing. For the last few days, she has developed what I can only describe as a 'Renfield laugh'. And not just any Renfield...but the Peter MacNicol Renfield from Dracula: Dead and Loving It. I haven't watched that since before I was pregnant, so I have no idea where she picked it up at.I figured that she would have lost interest in it by now, but now she knows that it creeps everyone out so she keeps it up. She'll sit on the floor watching something on TV, usually Yo Gabba Gabba or Little Bear, and out of no where will start doing it. She'll also do while playing with the lion mirror in her crib. She even did it at random people in the store. It should be really interesting at the doctors office tomorrow. I'm going to try to video her doing it tomorrow and put it up. Who knows, maybe she'll on Studio B. She'd be very happy, being that she loves watching Shep. ...
more storms
We were very lucky today. Most of the bad stomrs either bypassed us or just missed us. The last one was bad enough to make it onto the Fox Report with Shep Smith. At the time he covered it, the storm was in Granburry. Several tornadoes were produced, but I don't think any of them were on the ground for any length of time.We did get a faily good drenching of rain. And today was the first day that were didn't get some sort of hail...which is always a plus since our windows can't take much more of it. Only have to make it through two more days and we should be good for a while. ...
iCaughtTheEasterBunny.com giveaway winners
Here are the winners of the iCaughtTheEasterBunny.com Giveaway: Erin G., Sandy H., Jacqueline V., Jessica E., & Sarah H. Congratulations and I hope that you all enjoy your photos. ...
next giveaway planned for May 1
The gift certificate went fairly well for it being such shott notice. The next giveaway will start on April 1 and run most of the month. The item will be a KidSwitch. I'm still working out some of the details on this one, so I'll try to update again before the contest posts. ...
WeeklyPlus.com Dallas Deals – $20 for Floral Arangements & Mother’s Day Gifts
WeeklyPlus.com is offering great dals for the Dallas/Metroplex area. This weeks deal is from Celia's Floral Connectin. You can get $50 worth of floral arangements and Mother's Day Gifts for only $20. This offer is good for this week (ending Sunday). Hurry and take advantge of it before time runs out.There will be additional offers added throughout the week, so visit the site and/or subscribe to get them.This post is a paid advertisement. ...