I'm still having trouble with updating the blog due to the Blogger dashboard updates. There are also still some bugs with links due to the domain switch over. If you find any links that are broken, please let me know so I can get them fixed. ...
quick update
I seriously do not like the Blogger redesign. Half the pages are glitched up and I'm having problems updating posts. Expect updates to be a bit slow for a few days.I have several reviews that I'm working on right now, including some 'As Seen On TV' items and Santa and the Little Teddy Bear. They probaly won't be up until sometime later in the week. We are suposed to be getting more stomes staring tonight, and with the way the weather has been lately, it makes me a little paranoid. It's funny because when I was younger, I always wanted to see a tornado. Now that I'm older, own a house, and have a baby, I'm absolutley terrified of them...mainly becasue of the cost of getting stuff fixed. It's amazing how priorities change as you get older. So, hopefully we will get some much needed rain, and not all the other. ...
KidSwitch Giveaway!! [ENDED]
Up for grabs this month is a KidSwitch. A Kidswitch is a very handly lightswitch extender that allows small childer to turn their lights on and off. I first tried one back in December, and Hannah has had a lot of fun with it. She enjoys being able to turn the celing fan on and off. This KidSwitch is for the regular toggle light switches.To enter, simply fill in the form below. This contest is open to US residents only. Only one entry per person. Any additional entries will be deleted. I will notify the winner at the end of the contest, and have the prize mailed out within a week. I will also insure the prize with shipping insurance, just on the off change that it either doesn't arrive or gets damaged. The winner, with permision, will be announced on the blog as well as Facebook and Twitter. We will only post the first name and first letter of the last name (ex: Jane D).The entry deadline is May 27.Also, special thanks goes out to KidSwich for providing this months item. ...
new domain!!
Well, it finally here: misadvmom.com! In the next few days, the blog will be redirecting to that address. ...
Disaster Relief for the South
The last few weeks I have been very lucky to have escaped the majority of the sever weather. However, there are many others who have not been so fortunate. As of today, there have been over 600 tornadoes for this month alone. The hardest hit areas have been North Carolina and Alabama. If you wish to help or make donations, here is a running list of agencies taking them:American Red Cross - money donations onlyNational Voluntary Organizations Active in DisastersOperation Blessing InternationalI'll try to keep the list updated and current. If you know of anyone taking donations, please let me know so I can add it. ...
skunk attack
Tobi and Brownie apprently chased a skunk around the back yard, and cornered it against the house. I'm sure you can guess what happened next. The office windows took a direct hit. It reaks in here. I'm praying that it's doesn't drift into the hall or I won't be able to sleep tonight. ...