Since I can no longer use the impending Rapture as an excuse to put off housework, I guess I better get to work. I've spent most of the early afternoon distracted by the Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family. I don't have too much to do, but the worst of it will be doing the kitchen floor. I hate having to do the floor. I put it off the last few days because I though my mom was going to bring over their new steam mop for me to try out. That thing would make it some much easier and faster. But allas, she didn't feel like wrestling it into the car. So, I better go make nice with the Swiffer. ...
Doomsday: IT’S A TRAP!
Hooray! I'm finally able to get a Star Wars reference on here. At least this one is better than the Family Guy ones I've been using lately. Anyway, so much for the Doomsday/Rapture prophecy...but we all knew that it was total crap anyway. Here's some news footage on the not-Apocoplyse:The guy, preacher Harold Camping, has done this before back in 1994. What's really interesting is the money trail. This guy has litterealy made millions off of gulable people. Accoring to one report, his radio ministry has raised well over $100 million in the past seven years. Plus, the donations have been flying in since his Doomsday announcement. So, in other words, he's a 89 year old can-artist. Lovely. Just lovely. Why hasn't anyone locked this guy up yet? ...
Doomsday is Tommorrow? Oh Noes…
'Oh nooooo....'There's been all this talk about Doomsday being tomorrow. Some preacher said that the first part, the Rapture, will take place at 6 p.m. After that, there will be a series of massive earthquates lasting until October, when the world will end. I get that the guy a bit total wack job, but what I don't get is why there is so much media attention about it. I just typed it into Google and there's over a thousand stories about it, from just the last day or so. It's also tacked into a ton of other news reports, including the tragic news about 'Macho Man' Randy Savage (who I grew up watching) and the bizzar Zombie Apocolypse thing put out by the CDC. It even has a wiki page.Although now, as I'm typing this, a new report came doing saying that it's all going to start tonight. And just in time for the 11 o'clock news! Great, so now I'm confused. Which is it? I would like to know if I'll get to at least watch Sancuary tonight before everyting is bathed in the 'Fires of ...
Seven Days Left to Enter for a Chance to Win a KidSwitch
There's only seven days left to enter. As it stands right now, your chnaces to win are extremley high since there have been less than 10 entries. So go and enter now. ...
Hannah’s feeling better
Whatever bug Hannah had is gone, and she's back to her ever hyper self. I put her down for bed a while ago and she's still bouncing arund playing. She really wanted to get into her pool today, but made do with playing with her toys...and trying to flush blocks down the toilet. ...
CDC Posts Guide on How Survive the…Zombie Apocalypse??
Brains!The CDC posted a survival guide on how to survive the impending zombie apocalypse. Yes, you read that right. The Center for Disease Control is concerned about zombies. The reason: it's apparently they only way they can get people interested in being prepared for a disaster. The tongue-in-cheek article was written by Ali S. Khan, the Assistant Surgeon General. It's filled with links to real/ legitimate disaster preparedness pages, and the tag line is "If you're your ready for a Zombie Apocalypse, then your ready for any emergency'. Here is a snippet:"If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation. This assistance might include consultation, lab testing and analysis, patient management and care, tracking of contacts, and infection control (including isolation and quarantine)."The article ...