Do you know what to do in the event of a tornado hitting your area? Are you even prepared? Given the numerous outbreaks of the past few weeks, it's probably something you want to think about. As long as you have a general plan formed in advance, it will keep you and your family from panicking during a storm, and quite possibly save your lives. The first and most important thing you need to know before coming up with any tornado preparedness plan is the difference between the types of warnings. A watch means to 'watch out'; the conditions are right for a tornado. A warning means 'take cover immediately'; a tornado has either been spotted on the ground or has shown up on radar. Many times people get the terms switched, so knowing them ahead of time could potentially save your life. The second thing is knowing the safest areas to take shelter during a tornado. If you are in your house, the best places to take cover would be in a basement or in a hallway that is away from any outside ...
Product Review – Group Story
I was recently invited to try out Group Story. Group Story is a website that allows people creating a photo book have having everyone join a group and upload pictures. You can then choose which pictures go into the book, the page layouts, and even add text. When it's completed, everyone in the group can order one. The concept of the site is wonderful, and I was really looking forward to creating a book of Hannah's first year. However, there were a few issues that spoiled some of the experience. The website itself is very easy to navigate and use. There are step by step instructions for the entire creation process, so you can figure out how everything works pretty quick. After I first set up my account, I uploaded a few pictures. Uploading was quick and easy, and you an label the pictures if you want. I didn't bother with it, and moved onto testing out the page creator...which is where I hit my first snag. The applet that runs the page creator does not work in Internet Explorer. ...
Sometimes I Feel I’m Married to a Five Year Old…
Jason and I have been married four years, and I love him to death. I don't know what I would do without him. Yet, there are times he acts like such a little kid! For instance, last night, we were done eating dinner and were watching 'I Am Number Four' (decent movie by the way) on the couch. I asked him if he wanted any more food and he leans over the coffee table, picks up his fork, and starts scratching his back with it! I just sat there with my mouth open for a second before I started getting on to him. I ened up having to take the fork away from him becasue he woudn't stop. He just sits there grinning like he's doing something completly normal.He does stuff like this all the time. One minute we'll be stitting there talking about the news or something...the next he'll be trying to get me to smell his socks. I'm going to assume that most men are like this becasue my mom complains about my dad all the time. My dad will walk around with a pocket flashlight stuck up his nose ...
Coupon — Get $3 Credit on Snapily
Snapily is giving everyone who signs up with the site a $3 credit that's good for any of the items on the site. Since many of the photo cards and bookmarks start at 99 cents, you would be getting it for free, plus have most of the shipping covered.Snapily is a great site that offers truly unique, customizable gifts that are affordable. I've ordered a few bookmarks from them and everyone loves them. It's definitely worth it to go sign up on their site. You can take advantage of their offer by following this link: ...
KidSwitch Giveaway Winner & Next Giveaway
The winner of the KidSwitch Giveaway is Ashley A. I'll be mailing out her prize tomorrow.I'm not sure what the next giveaway will be, since I have a few things here. However, I'm still trying to figure out how to get people interested in entering. I may have to do away with the form entry and try just having people leave comments. When I figure something out, I'll let you all know. ...
Since We’re on the Subject of Freaky Critters…
Look what my mom found out in the courtyard at their house the other day! A nice lovely rat snake just over five feet long. It was making it's way across the courtyard and toward the porch when she saw it. Now, my mom is deathly afraid of you can imagine her reaction. I was on the phone with her at the time, and she just about when into a full blown panic attack. She started yelling 'Oh my God...' over and over, and at first I had no idea what she was on about. I though that either some was breaking into the house or she was having a heart attack. Then the screaming and F bombs started flying. Only a snake can get to her like that. My dad happened to come home just then, so he took care of it. Though, judging by the looks of the snake, he unloaded half a clip into it. He's not much better than my mom.So now my mom is swearing up and down that she will no longer step outside the rest of the summer. This happens at least once every year, and she will stay in for ...