I so don't get the whole planking thing. However, I love watching videos of the people who try to do it:Thank you Tosh.0. You have made my day. ...
Weekend Blog Hops
I'm going to try to keep a running tab of this weekends blog hops. I've alrady joined several, so if your a new follower makre sure that you leave a comment so I can follow you back. ...
Throughs on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2
I don't usually review movie here, but I guess I have to start somewhere. As you know, I went and saw the final Harry Potter movie last night. As much as I was looking forward to see the movie, I was also saddened that this was it...that last one. My overall expectations for this movie were high and even now, 15 hours later, I'm still absolutley floored by the film. I can't really get into the movie without giving tons of spoilers, so I'll make it quick and to the point. As far as staying with the book, the movie did very well. There were some key scenes missing, but then again I don't think they could have added them in due to the some of the changes made in the past films. The acting and effects were all top notch too. The part that really made the movie for me, though, was the redemption of Severus Snape. Severus's death follows almost exactly with the book, and Alan Rickman was brilliant...but what really took everyone by suprise was the impact of the pensive scene. ...
Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There can never be too many exclimation points!Anyway, I'll be heading out in about 30 minutes or see to the movie. I'll try to take some pictures at the theater since I know that they are doing a costume contest. ...
I’ve got a golden ticket…
"...I've got a golden twinkle in my eye". I have obtained my ticket for the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2 tomorrow night. I'm going with my friend Amanda, and we're both so excited! We haven't been been to a midnight release in ages. ...
Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop
Welcome to Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce!Link up, meet new friends, network with other bloggers, and have fun! Our Requests: 1. Follow the Host (Magical Mouse Schoolhouse) and the Guest Host (Misadventures of a First Time Mom) on GFC, Networked Blogs, Twitter or Facebook. (We will follow back!) Leave a comment below to let us know.2. Follow as many people as you can and be sure to let them know that you are from "Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce."3. You are not required to, but we'd greatly appreciate it if you could grab our button and write a post about this hop and/or display the button on your sidebar. Hops are only fun if bloggers know about them, so please help spread the word!4. Every week I will pick someone to Guest Host the hop with me. If you would like to be considered for the Guest Host position, leave a comment under this post AND/OR email jodi(at)magicalmouseschoolhouse(dot)com to let me know you're interested and follow us on GFC.get the InLinkz ...