I have felt absolutely miserable the past few days. I don't know if it's the heat or if I'm coming down with some sort of stomach thing...but I wish I could just get to feeling better.Whats worse is that I didn't sleep at all last night and I'm dead on my feet. I felt like I had a few gallons of caffeine in my system. And I wasn't the only one! My mom and my friend Davis both had similar experiences last night. Ehh...hopefully tonight will be different. ...
Technorati claim token
ehh...just having to go back through the Technorati claim process...UV36HKSSGEUD ...
The Versatile Blogger Award
Melissa from The Mommyhood Chrinicles has given me the Cersatile Blogger Award. I'm so excited at getting my first award! Melissa has a wonderful blog, so go and check it out.The rules after accepting The Versatile Blogger Award are:Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post Share 7 things about yourself Pass this award to 15 blogs 7 Things About Myself:I was originally born in Maryland, and moved to Texas when I was 11. I'm an avaid gamer. I'm a huge anime fan. My fav holiday is Halloween. I read...a lot. I actively hunt ghosts. My house is haunted. 15 Awsome Blogs:A Time Out For Mommy Kelly's Lucky You Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hippo Cozy in Texas Dallas Single Mom Fatty Bumpkins Growing Up Geeky Jamie's Precious Peas Makobi Scribe Mom's Online Garage Sale Mommy and her boogersaurus Musings of a Modern Mom My Life as Mom and Wife One More Flew Ove the Cuckoo's Nest Yankee Texan Mom ...
Coupon — 20% off all Snapily items!
Take adventage of this great Back to School Special Promotion. You can get 20% all items from Snapily by using the code SHOOL20. To use the code, visit Sanpily.com. The code is good until 8/30. ...
RedWeek.com Giveaway Winner
With everything I've had going on this week, I just realized that I didn't post up the winner of the RedWeekcom 2 Year membership giveway. The winner is Tavin A. Congratulations!This months giveaway will be starting in the next few days. Plus, I may also be having multiple giveaways this month as well...so be on the lookout. ...
I Found the Magical Quill on Pottermore!
I've been popping by the Pottermore site for the last seveal days, hoping to be able to get early access. To my complete astonishment, I actullay found the clue up! I took me less than a minute to answer it, and then I found myself on what I guess will be the main gateway to all the books. Up at the top of the screen, there was an add with a bunch of quills floating around. One was glowing, indicating it was the Magical Quill, so I clicked when it came around again. I got a congrats message and was taken to the registration screen.The registration is quick, but the only down side is that you don't get to creat your own username. You have to pick from 5 randomly generated ones. But, then again, who cares! Early access to Pottermore! It will probably still be a few weeks before I can actually get in, but when I do I will write up a review about the site. I can't wait! ...