Seven Slings is offering another promo code to get a free baby carrier. The promo code is good for $48, which wil get you any of the baby carriers, including the gift sets. All you have to pay is the shipping.Go to the Seven Slings website, click on "Shop Now" and select any baby carrier you would like (be sure to go to their sizing page so you can get the right size carrier for you). Once you have selected your size, you will automatically be directed to the "shopping bag" where you can enter the promo code "FAMILY2011". This promo code will take off 100% of the baby carrier purchase and all you are required to pay is the shipping fees. You can use the promo code more than once however you will need to open a new browser to do so! ...
Yay! Rafflecopter!!
I got my invite to Rafflecopter a few days ago, so I will be trying it out for the next few giveaways. I'm hoping that more people will enter the giveaways since their emails won't be on display in the comments anymore. ...
…so tired
We've had a very busy few days, and now I'm completly behind on everything again. Jason took me out Saturday afternoon for lunch to my favorite sushi restaurant, while Hannah spent the day at with my mom. We were going to try to go the the Plano World Market, but 635 was so backed up we didn't even bother. We ended up going to Half-Price books, then wondered around Babies-R-Us for a little bit. Then we swung through the Seagoville WalMart because Jason had to do something in the computer.I then spend Sunday and yesterday trying to get caught up on laundry. I went grocery shopping yesterday, which took forever. I spent 30 minutes at the customer service counter to return two shirts for my mom. Shopping took about 20 minutes. Then I spent another 30 minutes waiting in line to checkout. The cashier was moving at a snails pace and had a comment about every single item she scanned. When I get groceries, I make sure to plan out for at least a week and a you can imagine ... is the go-to blog for all things unique and geeky. You can find all sort of neat things you probably never even heard of before...and can't possibly live without. Whether your a Star Wars fan look for that unique item to add to your collection, looking for something a little off the beaten path as a gift, or just want to read about odd stuff that is on the market, GeekAlerts has you covered. Some of the items of really out there, like the creepy Blik WTF Grate Wall Graphics where it looks like someone is looking through the wall grate at you. They also have some Space Invader Keychains that were neat too.The blog is updated daily with items, as well as the latest geek news. Aside from Gadgets and news, the team at GeekAlerts is also very dedicated in bringing their readers the best deals possible. They post online coupons, promotion codes, and discounts for some of the best stores out there. You can find Apple Store promo codes & an Orbitz promotion code or two. ...
Okay Netflix…
I'm having to start a marathon of watching everything in my instant streaming list since I have less than 20 days before the price hike. We currently have the $9.99 DVD + Streaming package, and are planning to dump the streaming on the 31st.We would love to keep the streaming option. We really would. It's faster than having to wait for the movies to come in the mail. However, the limited number of movies available for streaming sucks, quite frankly, plus we constantly get the "You don't have enough bandwidth" message. It's not worth paying $7.99 a month for. I can understand that needing to raise the price a bit in order to expand the library and what not. But raising it this much is ridiculous. You might not think that it's much money. But for a lot of us out there it is...especially these days when the economy is bad. It wouldn't been so bad it you raised the $9.99 package to somewhere around $12. I do hope that you change your mind about the prices. Now I'm off to go watch 26 ...
The Juppy Baby Walker Giveaway [ENDED]
The Juppy is a parent-assisted baby walker used to safely teach babies how to walk sooner while eliminating dangerous falls. A lot of parents tend to hold their babies by the hands or under the arms to teach them to walk. I know from personal experience that it can cause your back to hurt, but what I didn't know is that it can also cause injury to your child's arms and/or joints. With the Juppy, you place you child in the Juppy and, while standing upright, you hold on to the cotton straps giving him/her support to walk. This eliminates any disconfort to you and your baby. Best of all, the Juppy folds up and can be put in your purse. It's doctor recomended and is machine washable. You can get more info at the Juppy website. This is a product I really wish I had when Hannah was first learning. I'm definitely going to get one if we ever have another child. Special thanks goes to Juppy for sponsoring this months giveaway. The giveaway is open to everyone, and the entry ...