I was cruising around Reddit the other night when I came across this: . . . . I couldn't make this stuff up even if I tried. ...
Tracy Williams Found
I am relieved to report that Tracy Williams, the Technorati employee who has been missing since Thursday, has been found and is in a local hospital. I'm glad to hear that she is alright and safe. ...
I need some advice
I've done several Rafflecopter giveaways now, and I've started to notice something with my two current giveaways. I have people circumventing the mandatory entry, which, in both cases, is to leave a comment on the giveaway post. I don't see where anyone should have a problem with that. Its' easy to do and usually takes less than a minute. Up until last months giveaway, this hasn't been an issue.I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point. I don't think that it's fair to readers who really do the mandatory entry to allow others to cheat. Do I let it slide, remove entries, or just pick a different winner (if the one picked has circumvented)?UPDATE 11/11 - Thanks for all the advice so far. I went back and noted that anyone who cheats will void all their entries in big, bold font. A hour later, someone did it again. So...ehh.... ...
SuperPoints Invite Codes
I've got some more SuperPoints invite codes. Superpoints is a members-only club where you earn great rewards for doing things online like taking surveys, watching videos or shopping. You also get points by inviting friends. You can spend you points on awesome items like iPads and Amazon Gift Cards.The codes below are good until someone uses it...so use one now before they're gone:http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/kx7uoghttp://superpoints.com/wrpgs/sy1g25http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/ekt2cd http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/kmaw50http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/zc7gtk ...
Puppies vs. Babies!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Puppies vs. Babies for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.Who is cuter . . . puppies or babies? It's an age old question that no one has ever been able to answer, until now. The Puppies vs. Babies online contest will answer that question once and for all, and you can be a part of it. Visit the contest website and get your vote in by November 23. The winner baby or puppy will receive a $5,000 prize.But . . . who will you vote for? The cuddly puppy? Or the adorable baby? My pick is the adorable baby, since I know that my daughter Hannah is way cuter that any puppy. She is so cute that all the doctors and nurses in the delivery room were going gaga over her. In fact, she's gotten even cuter as she's gotten older . . . especially now that she's learning words and talking.Puppies grow out of their cuteness pretty quick. Then all your left with is a full grown dog, who may or may not be obedient. Plus, puppies pee and poop ...
Tracy Williams, Technorati Employee, is Missing
Tracy Williams(image from Technorati article)Technorati employee Tracy Williams is missing, and Technorati is urging everyone to use whatever means possible to circulate information. She went missing Wednesday evening after leaving a bar where she was meeting with other Technorati co-workers. She never made it home."Tracy is 40 years old, dark wavy hair that she usually wears back in a ponytail, prominent freckles on her face, brown eyes, light brown skin, athletic build, 5’8 inches tall, approximately 135 pounds and was wearing blue jeans, a black hoodie and carrying a small bag." (article, link at bottom)If you have any information, contact the San Fransisco police at (415)553-0123, case #110892541. A Facebook page has also been started to update and collect any information. Please re-tweet this post, +1 it, post it to Facebook, anything . . . just as long as the info is getting out there so that she might be found.Read more: ...