Best Left Buried is an e-book by first time author Cindy Hutchins. It's a mystery/horror story that takes place in North Carolina. Arliss can't remember much about her life before she was taken from her mother and adopted. After being notified of her mothers death some twenty years later, she finds herself thrust into a strange mystery. She's the focus of a local legend, birds are following her everywhere, and a crazy preacher is after her. Will she find answers to what is going on, or will she find that the past is best left buried?The story description really caught my interest, and I was really looking forward to reading the book. However, I was really let down. The plot is there and the general idea of the story is great, but the writing just kills it. The story is peppered with punctuation errors, run-on sentences, and fragmented sentences. It caused the flow of the reading to be interrupted and yank me completely out of the story. Also, there were no chapters aside from ...
Thursday Blog Hops
Here's some of the Thursday blog hops I'm participating in: ...
William Shatner’s PSA on turkey fryer fires
<p>&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;Only &amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;</p>Only you can prevent turkery fryer fires! ...
quick reminder about giveaways
There are three giveaways going right now, and none of them have many entries. Make sure you enter now before they end. ...
PETA’s New Target: Tanooki Mario
Is this really necessary PETA?The people at PETA are at it again. This time, they are trying to take on Super Mario 3D Land. Their beef? Tanooki Mario is offensive and promotes the wearing of fur. Here's the statement posted on their website: "When on a mission to rescue the princess, Mario has been known to use whatever means necessary to defeat his enemy -- even wearing the skin of a raccoon dog to give him special powers.Tanooki may be just a suit in the game, but in real life tanuki are raccoon dogs who are skinned alive for their fur. By wearing a Tanooki, Mario is sending the message that it is OK to wear fur."This statement is followed by an image of a blood splattered Mario (seen above) holding the severed head of a tanuki, and a very graphic video of the killing and skinning of a real one. PETA has also gone as far as to create a game where a skinless tanuki chases Mario around in an attempt to get it's skin back. The game is called Super Tanooki Skin 2D.Um....please ...
Product Review – Heelys
I was recently sent a pair of Heelys to test out. Heelys are shoes that you can add wheels to so that you can skate. They have been around for several years, and are extremely popular. You can pick between two wheels, for beginners, or a single wheel. I picked a pair with two wheels, being that you have better stability with them. When you first get the shoes, the wheels are not attached. You have to use the enclosed removal tool to removed the Sole Saver plugs. Once the plugs are removed, you can insert the wheels. Make sure that you save the plugs, since you can put them back in if you remove one wheel later on. The wheels pop in fairly easily, but you do need to give them a strong whack. Who can guess what naughty word I was saying? Now comes the hard part . . . keeping from falling on your butt. Like roller blades and skateboards, you need to wear protective gear at all times. Just because they are technically shoes doesn't mean you won't fall. Trust ...