I was sent an early copy of Jeremy Mark Lane's new book, While I'm Still Myself. It's a collection of short stories discribing random encounters that make and change a person. There are seven stories total and 127 pages. The first story follows the relationship of a young couple. The second is the meeting between a new father and an eldery hospital patient. Another follows a teenage girl, running away from both her home and her own personal fears, and her budding friendship with a drifter. The next one is about five unlikely friends that band together to help each other deal with abusive homes. Fifth in the book is about a man who meets a past love of his mothers. The sixth story follows a slave owner trying to do right by his family and his slaves. The final story is about a disturbing incident during a boy's stay at his grandfather's farm. I'm not usually one to stray from my usual choice of sci-fi, thrillers and horror, but there was something about the synopsis that ...
Coupon – One Year WPMU Dev Membership for $100
WPMU Dev is a premium plugin site that supports WordPress, BuddyPress, Multisite, and many more. You can sign up for the site for free and use many of the plugins and themes. You can also upgrade to a paid membership and have to hundreds of premium themes and plugins, plus award winning support.A one year Elite Membership usually cost $419, but right now you can get it for only $100. That's over 75% off! To get more info and to take advantage of this special offer, click the 'Buy Now' button on the image below. This deal will be available until March 31, 2012, or until the codes sell out. <p>&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;This</p>This offer is being made available through SocialSpark. I will receive a commission from any sales. ...
New Layout!
Yay! The new layout it here! This beautiful layout was designed by Wacky Jacqui Designs. She has very affordable packages, so you need to go and check her out. Ehe also does the whole WordPress switch over thing, which I will probably be contacting her about soon . . . once I figure out which host service I'm going to use.I'm still working on getting all the stuff in the right place, so some of the content boxes may more around a bit today. I am debating on whether or not to just dump the ads. They are slowing the page up and, frankly, I find them to be quite annoying. They want me to run a third one (remember the one that was floating on the side) and I really don't want to. The main thing, though, is that I haven't made anything off of them, yet I just pulled in a good bit from adSense on my RSS feeds for December. If I can keep the adSense going then I'll be able to start getting some good giveaway stuff without relying so much on sponsors. Oh well, I'll figure something ...
Walgreens Prescription Savings Club
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.For many years, Walgreens has been a part of the Express Scripts pharmacy provider network. If your not familiar with Express Scripts, they are a company who acts like a middleman between pharmacies and employers & heath plans who pay for medication. They make a contract with Walgreens that allows them to be on the list of accepted pharmacies that employers/health plans are able to use. These contracts come up for renewal at various times. However, the negotiations for the current contract renewal were unsuccessful and Walgreens was removed from the program as of Jan 1, 2012. Walgreens has attempted to work with Express Scripts, but nothing has come of it. For more information on this, you can view the following press release: Walgreens and Express ScriptThis change includes all Walgreens nationwide and Duane Reade pharmacies, which are located thought New York City. The only ...
Crazy Weekend Blog Hop #6
Week #6 of the blog hop. If anyone is interested in co-hosting, leave a comment letting me know and we'll set up a weekend. The linky will close on Sunday night. Rules: Follow me via GFC, Google+, Twitter, RSS or Facebook. Link up your blog and any of your social media accounts. If your a new follower, leave a comment and I will follow you back. ...
Coupon – $10 off MyMemories Suite
You can get $10 off the MyMemories Suite software by using the code "STMMMS78997". Simply use the code during the checkout process. This coupon has no expiration date. ...