I seriously think my ears were raped during Steven Tyler's 'singing', and I use that term loosely, of the National Anthem. You know that episode of South Park were Stan keeps hearing poo noises whenever he tries to listen to music? It was like that, only with ear-splitting screeching tossed in for good measure. Don't believe that the lead singer of Aerosmith could possibly bomb the National Anthem? See, and hear, for yourself:Now you have experienced my pain. Bwahahaha!!!! The only thing more annoying/awful than his voice was his scarf. Then, to add insult to injury, the Ravens lost the game! Seriously Steven, stick to your rock music and leave everything else alone. We're begging you! ...
PETA Wants OJ’s House to Make a Museam
PETA is trying to get their grubby little hands on OJ Simpson's forclosed Flordia home. They want to turn it into a 'Meat is Murder' Museam. They want to do this not to stick it too him for getting off on the murder charges, but because he has been an outspoken meat lover. Here is what PETA had to say to RadarOnline:"Our museum will remind visitors that violence may not always be preventable but that it sometimes can be prevented and that nonviolence begins on our plates.For instance, many wonderful flesh-and-blood individuals—who feel pain and fear as acutely as humans do and who value their lives in much the same way—are knifed to death every day for nothing more than a fleeting taste of flesh."Simpson is currently serving a 33-year sentence for kidnapping and armed robbery. He was making payment on the property while incarcerated, but stopped in 2010. Anyway, one of these days PETA is going to realize what a joke they are. They aren't helping themselves by doing all these ...
The funk continues…
I just don't know what is going on with me. I've been so blah lately and just can't seem to get anything done, with the exception of today. I'm attributing my frenzy of cleaning to the nice weather (it's 75....in January!) and that my writer's group is having a meeting over here on Sunday. I think I'm going to see if Trana will bring Barney with her so that I will have an excuse to leave the TV on...so I can catch the Ravens game.I haven't seen much of Jason due to all the crap he has going on at work. He still has three weeks of vacation time he has to take before March (for last year). If he doens't take them, then he'll just have lost them. He'll get three more weeks after March for the current year, but with the way everything seems to be going, he won't get to take any of them. It would be nice if we could get away for a few night, either just the two of us or as a family. We really need that time together. Mom keeps saying that she's going to come over and hang out or go ...
Crazy Weekend Blog Hop #7
Week #7 of the blog hop. If anyone is interested in co-hosting, leave a comment letting me know and we'll set up a weekend. The linky will close on Sunday night. Rules: Follow me via GFC, Google+, Twitter, RSS or Facebook. Link up your blog and any of your social media accounts. If your a new follower, leave a comment and I will follow you back. ...
Going Dark Tomorrow to Protest SOPA
I've been meaning to get some updates on here the past few days, but there has been way too much going on the past few days. There was a death in the family (on Jason's side), I've not been feeling all that great, and my mom has been sick but refusing to go to the doctor. I will getting some stuff up, including an article (I hope), but not until Thursday. Tomorrow, Google is going dark in order to protest the SOPA & PIPA bills. Many sites are doing the same. Since Google will be...off...for a lack of better term, I don't know if I will be able to even long in to update. However, even if I could, I'm not. The SOPA/PIPA Acts will basicially shut down our country's access to the Internet. We will esentially be like China. I encourage everyone to contact their representatives and tell them to vote "NO". Here are a list of sites you can get some more info at:http://sopastrike.com/http://www.craigslist.org/about/SOPASince I can't exactly take to blog down for a day, there will be an ...